Prologue - My life before appearing in Hell

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My name is Henry

I'm 25 years old

I'm currently on my, possibly, final mission

I needed to leader of one of the most dangerous companies in the world

Before that all, I was having a normal life

Like any other child

But one day I started to notice I have powers

These powers belong to Demons

How I know about Demons?

They for people are only myth

But I somehow was believing in their existence

And my powers definitely were belonging to them

I was able to open portals, from which tentacles, plants (demonic) or even monsters were coming from

Monsters became my guardians since I summoned them the first time

(A/N - if you want, you can ask about adding monsters you like)

I even could transform into demons, that I can think about: imp is an example

I once was even able to transform into a hellhound

Which was cool

Having these powers wasn't unnoticed by parents, who got rid off of me by giving me to my Boss, who thought I'll be a good help in killing those, who deserve death

Starting from drug dealers

And now I was on my way to the office of the leader I needed to kill right now

He was planning, from what information is saying about him, to start a war with the whole world

I killed lots of people during my work on my Boss, Richard

But I've gone too far

If I'll appear in Hell - so be it

At least I'll stop that son of a bitch.

Oh, forgot to mention, that that leader's name is Sebastian

I used my powers and all people, who were standing on my way, were dying from tentacles, monsters of mine, my demon plants, they were eating assholes alive

Even I myself was killing, transforming into demons of any kind

I didn't liked the fact I was killing, but I wasn't having a choice, the job must be done, no matter what

Once I was in front of the entrance inside of the office, I putted a C-4 on the door, found a place to hide, and then clicked the button


While I was approaching Sebastian, he was panicking, as shotgun in his arms


- Sebastian - I said, and with a snap of fingers made a shotgun fly to me, and fall on my arms, after which easily destroyed - Give up. You're done. Nowhere to run.

He was at first scared, but then, for some reason, started to laugh hysterically

- What's so funny? - I asked him with a serious look on my face, assault rifle in my hands, aiming at him

He then showed a button in his left arm and clicked it

The whole building started to shake

Then loud explosions started to be heard everywhere

- YOU'RE COMING IN HELL WITH ME, SON OF A TRASHY WHORE!!! - and with that he continued to hysterically laugh

Forgot to mention there were only we two in his Office

Then the last thing I remember was an explosion of the Office we both were inside

To be continued...

My Life in Hell (Helluva Boss Female Harem x Human-Demon OC)Where stories live. Discover now