Chapter 15 - Truth Seekers (First Part)

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I told everyone to stay 

They were about to give birth to children

Loona opened the portal and I left with my friends to deal with whatever we needed to deal with

We appeared on the dark yard

- Alright, let's do the business we need to do and quickly leave - I was in my human form, while George, Freddy, Jeremy and Sam were following right behind

But what we didn't knew... 

Someone was watching us

After we dealt with our business

- Alright, time to leave - George said, he had blood on his mouth - Fuck, that man was tasty

- Same goes to his brother - Jeremy answered back, others agreed with him

Portal has been opened

Everyone was waiting

I was about to go towards the portal, but then George grabbed me and pinned on the ground, saying at the same time:


We saw a man

He had a big gun, which he was right now using so we surely were caught

He has short brown hair. He is wearing a black tuxedo consisting of a white shirt underneath a black coat with a black tie, paired with black sunglasses. There is also a pin on the left lapel of his tuxedo that is composed of two overlapping triangles, one red, one white.

 There is also a pin on the left lapel of his tuxedo that is composed of two overlapping triangles, one red, one white

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Then another human appeared, right behind us

She had a rifle and I had a feeling she had tranquilize sleeping darts there

She has short light blonde hair and is wearing light makeup. She is wearing a black tuxedo consisting of a white shirt underneath a black coat with a black tie, paired with black sunglasses. There is also a pin on the left lapel that is composed of two overlapping triangles, one red, one white.

 There is also a pin on the left lapel that is composed of two overlapping triangles, one red, one white

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A/N - Ignore Blood

And my friends were looking at her hungrily 

I mean come on, I have girlfriends, who soon be mothers, so why don't let them have their fun time?

-  CLOSE THE PORTAL! - Sam yelled to Loona

And she did so, thought others weren't happy with that

I caught a shot, a dart, when tried to shoot the guy

George grabbed me and started to run

Freddy, Jeremy and Sam right behind

We were trapped

But when my friends were pointing guns back at two humans, one of them clicked on the button on his gun

We were given a shock

Electricity was in my opinion more, than 220V

We lost consciousness quickly

A/N - Without Transcript, decided to imagine. Also, what kind of "nightmare" is better for our heroes? I mean for George can be used Blitzo's "nightmare" from original (yes, official Episode 6 came out just yesterday). So yeah... And don't expect too much from me, I'm trying my very best to make this Chapter. Won't as awesome as Original in my opinion, but I don't give two SHITS!

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