Chapter 3 - Pilot

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We were having a meeting

Millie was sitting next to Moxie, while I was sitting next to Loona, who was inside her phone

Blitza then started to talk

The main reason was the company had problems with business


Almost forgot to mention

My friends (I decided to stop calling them monsters and guardians) George, Freddy, Jeremy and Sam were here too

But they were here mostly to make sure everything is fine

But back to what Blitza was saying:

- Alright - she started - Now I know business has been a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here. - quickly looked at Moxie, saying her name - Moxie. - which caused Moxie give her a "What the hell?" look. - Now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again? - she was looking at us all, wanting to hear our own versions about how help business

Ah, by the way, when Blitza said Moxie's name, thought said she's not gonna say any names, I understood Blitza has an ego

They two definitely not getting along

Millie decided to try, asking, with a smile:

- What about a carwash?

But this idea caused our Boss to say, that this is Hell and noone cares about carwashes being cleaned

Then started to think herself

I then asked:

- Then what about a billboard?

- That's actually a good idea, Henry - Blitza answered - I actually was just thinking about this idea myself

But Moxie just rolled her eyes and said:

- We can't afford a billboard, ma'am, and Henry, this idea is stupid

Blitza appeared close to Moxie, hugged her with right arm, and sarcastically said:

- Very helpful, Moxie, we are so glad you're in the room with us right now - then pushed her away, after which had a TV remote control - Have you guys forgotten what service we provide? - and turned the TV on

There we watched Blitza, Millie, Loona and Millie killing demons by using different types of murdering: shocking them, brutally decapitating, obliteratingly murdering them

I had the only guess: killing these guys - clients paid for getting rid off of them

Revenge, to be more short

Blitza offered us Popcorn

I took some of it myself

And ate quickly

- "sighs, remembering these days, definitely" - Ahh, those were the days - Blitza said, with a smile on her face

- I don't need any reminding, ma'am - Moxie said to Blitza, it sounded like for her these memories were ones of the worst - Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel nobody watches!

This caused Blitza to stop eating Popcorn and stop watching the TV, on which nothing was shown, but interference

I understood, that this channel is the one nobody watches

- Oh, hey, excuse me - Blitza got up from the floor and looked at Moxie, asking - What's "obnoxious" about a super-fun jingle, all right? It's a fun distraction when an advertisement's spittin' bullshit!

My Life in Hell (Helluva Boss Female Harem x Human-Demon OC)Where stories live. Discover now