Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who falls in love! Feels great, doesn't it!


How make believe can you get? Fantasy creatures here and there, making me feel like I'm in some crappy teenage romance. I'm a souphix--when a vampire and a shape-shifter get married and have a kid. I'm not saying I don't like it. I can shape shift into any living thing and I have inhuman speed and strength. Oh, and I'm freaking HOT! And since I'm only half vampire I can eat human food. I've also never tasted blood of any kind. My dad is the vamp and mom is the shifter. No joke intended but my dad only drinks animal blood and mom eats human food. Any way I'm Vascaria Montoya; 17 years of age and I'm a junior in another high school. My best friend is Taylor Reynolds and she just happened to be the only other magical creature in Waterloo, Iowa. I've known her since she was a baby. Did I mention I also don't age? Perks of being a vamp you get everything except you CAN go out in sunlight, you CAN sleep if you want to, and breathing and blinking isn't necessary but it's a habit. Your smelling, seeing, and hearing are all heightened too.

My life was fricking perfect until I was paired with Joey Prince on a biology project. Apparently in human terms he is "the biggest player in school" and he probably can't get an A to save his life.
To me he's just a cocky jackass.

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