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Ep. 12 - School Dance

During their multimedia class, Mr. Bender was giving a lecture on demographics. Chase happened to notice something funny, and IM'd Catilyn about it. Even though passing a note wouldn't have gotten them in trouble.

Damn it, Chase.

Caitlyn's IM alert rang out, interrupting the teacher's lecture. Caitlyn slowly sank in her seat, closing her eyes as she blushed darkly.

"Keep your sound off!" Chase whispered to her. Her eyes snapped open and she glared at him. "Too late, idiot!" She whispered back.

"Caitlyn, you do know there is a rule against instant messaging in class, right?" Mr. Bender asked her rhetorically. Caitlyn grinned awkwardly. "Yes, indeed, I do."

"So, were you instant messaging?"

"Would you believe me if I said no?" She tried. Mr. Bender looked at her, unamused. Caitlyn sighed. "Yeah, I was."

"Well, if your IM is so important, why don't you read it out?" He said. Caitlyn shook her head, "Yeah, we're both gonna be embarrassed if I do that."

"Read it."

Caitlyn sighed, straightening out her screen. " 'Hey, do you think Mr. Bender knows that his zipper's down?'" She read out unsympathetically, looking at Mr. Bender with a raised eyebrow.

He immediately tried to fix his problem, turning around and struggling. Caitlyn put her face in her hands, groaning amidst the giggles of the class.

Just then, two enthusiastic upperclassmen came barreling into the room.

"Excuse us, Mr. Bender," the boy said with a bright smile.

"Hey, Todd," he replied, whirling around with a binder covering his pants.

"Can Deborah and I make an announcement to the class?"

"Sure!" He said, taking this as an opportunity to find some privacy.

The two greeted the class enthusiastically, only to be met with silence. Caitlyn laughed quietly. They were making this more awkward by waiting for a response that was never gonna come.

"Now, I know that I don't have to remind you that the PCA school dance is coming up," Deborah said.

"And I'm sure some of you have someone who you'd like to ask." Todd continued. Caitlyn raised an eyebrow at them. Where was this going? She shared a curious look with Zoey.

"Well, you don't have to!" Todd said.

"Why not?" Logan asked.

"Because we thought it'd be so much funner if we all took personality tests and then had a computer match us up based on how compatible our personalities are!" Deborah revealed.

Caitlyn scoffed. This sounded ridiculous.

"Any questions?"

Chase raised his hand. "Yeah, uh, how do we get out of doing this?"

Caitlyn laughed. "Yeah! This sounds stupid. It's the first school dance at PCA with both boys and girls, why not let us enjoy it?"

"You will enjoy it!" Deborah promised.

"You'll all get to meet a new person who shares the same interests as you," Todd added.

Caitlyn shared a disinterested look with Chase. They were good, thanks.

"Your perfect match!" Deborah said. Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

"So just go online to the PCA test dot come and take your personality test!" Todd explained.

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