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Ep. 13 - Little Beach Party

After finals week had stressed every kid at PCA out of their minds, the study body was promised a trip to Mystic beach to have a massive end of the year party.

As tradition states, it was Caitlyn's turn to bring a plastic bucket and shovel to create a sandcastle when she went to the beach with Chase, as he brought it last time they went to the beach together. 

After the group's final class together, and final test, the teacher had dismissed the class to go get ready for the beach trip.

"Alright!" Caitlyn shouted excitedly, "Let's go party!"

Just then, Dustin came into the room, all dressed for the beach.

"Zoey, hey!" He greeted excitedly. Zoey smiled at him. "Hey, Dustin. Look at you in your cute little swimsuit."

"Thanks. Would it be ok if I rode down to the beach in your guys' bus?" He asked. Zoey nodded. "Sure, if it's okay with your teacher."

Quinn came running into the room. "Okay, people, you've got to check this out."

"Uh-oh, what now?" Michael asked. Chase raised an eyebrow at her. "You're not gonna blow us up, are you?"

"No, though I could," Quinn stopped to think about it. Caitlyn shared an unenthused look with Nichole. "What did you do?"

"I finished my chemistry exam in, like, ten minutes. So, since I had some extra time, I combined a few chemicals and accidentally created an aroma that smells just like coconut!" she explained excitedly.

Caitlyn sighed as Logan said sarcastically, "Cool. But no one cares."

"Oh come on!" Quinn said. "Just sniff it!" She then opened the vial and passed it in front of everyone, and everyone caught a whiff of it. When it came to Caitlyn, she gagged after sniffing it.

"You hate coconut, why did you sniff it?" Chase asked after Quinn pulled the vial back.

Caitlyn shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "I didn't want to miss out on the experience?" He shook his head at her with a teasing smile.

She started feeling fatigued suddenly, and a thought occurred to her. "Wait, Quinn, what did you do?" She yawned. She didn't get to say much else before each of them collapsed to the floor.


Michael woke everyone up first. Caitlyn rose from her spot on the ground tiredly. "Wha's goin' on?"

"We all fell asleep!" Michael explained. Quinn frowned. "It must be an effect of my aroma."

Caitlyn groaned and put her face in her hands. "You just recreated chloroform, didn't you?"

Quinn only shrugged.

"What time is it?" Zoey tiredly asked.

"11:46," Michael stated. Caitlyn stumbled out from the crowded desk area in an effort to get to the door. "Oh no!"

She was the first out of the classroom and the rest followed quickly after. After she got to her dorm, with her roommates closely behind, she grabbed a pre-prepared bag and changed into her bathing suit. It was a women's one-piece with men's boardshorts over it with a cutoff tank top thrown on top of it. After she shoved her feet into her sandals, she looked around in a panic.

"Where's the bucket?" She asked, searching through the room. Zoey and Nichole were just putting on their shoes. "What bucket?"

"The green plastic bucket! I need it!" Caitlyn explained, now searching under the bed. She found it there and sighed in relief. "Got it!"

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