ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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the sunlight stroke her sleeping face he was watching this sittingnext to her in the chair for sasuke she was the sleeping beauty but prettier sasuke stroke her ligth pink hair kissing it softly he missed when he used to do this is the past with her yes sasuke and sakura were always in a relationship but it was a secret sasuke didnt liked to show his relationship to anyone sakura understood why it was clear he was embarrassed he still the same shy boy he used to be with itachi sasuke train cut off once he saw sakura is about to open her eyes the ligth green emarldish eyes wild open she saw is not in her bedroom the room was way different than hers she was in a king sized bed with a white dresser and one jail window she saw she was wearing a White long lace dress she looked to see sasuke grinning widely at her sakura was shocked and confused she blinked her green eyes twice
"I'm Glad your awake sakura haruno" he said in flirty tone sakura was lost for word's she wanted to ask why was she here and where is she what is going on she couldn't rermber a single thing all she remebred sasuke and some akatsuki member included sasorie abducted her and the only thing she hesred was 'welcome home' sakura got with all her energy to speak up "sasuke kun where am i?" She asked he giggled it was funny and annoying at the same time for the reaven spiky haired man did she really didn't understood why was she here or was she faking it
"so you wanna know why are you here rigth haruno?" He asked her but he said the last word 'haruno' In disgusted it was supposed to be 'uchiha' not haruno she nodded her head up and down he smiled softly blushing slightly he landed his hand behind her long pink hair making his forhead meet his her forhead was not so big after all
There was a deep silent in the room she blushed for a moment then shook her head soon enough he spoke up breaking the silent
"Beacuse you are going to marry me sakura...uchiha" Sakura eye's widen she shove him away from she well never marry him he broke her heart he tried to kill her he abused her emotionally and hurt her heart and soul and he is s-ranked criminal she moved on from sasuke long ago and waiting for someone else new sasuke stayed in his chair and asked "why did you shoved me away?" He asked in anger "no! im not going to marry you!" She yelled and put her tow pam's over her mouth to hide her blush she still love him but she won't agree on this ever sasuke smirked he knew sakura still love him and well always do she doesn't have a choice but to marry him or
"this is so sad sakura this mean konohagakure well by destroyed tonight hah?" He said as he got sakura eyes widen she runned and block his way "w..wait i..i well!" He smirked "good choice darling" he said holding her closer to him sakura was so close to sasuke at that time she could feel his hot breathingnext to her face her hand was holding onto his akatsuki clothes he was moving closer to her mouth "s..sasuke kun.." she said before she felt his lip against her's thire lips meet they were touching sakura could not believe it she just got a kiss from her crush but not the sasuke she loved should she feel happy to finally see her dream came ture or sad because she is forced to marry him "sasuke.." sasuke cut his kiss with who was panting into his shirt sasuke looked at sasorie in anger he ruined the moment with his future wife "what!?" He growled
"Pain want you.." he whispered at sakura ears "I'll be back" and told sasorie to keep an eye on her sasorie smriked soon after the door slammed shut he walked closer to sakura he have a sweet plan to make sakura his but he have to pretend to be a good leaf shonobi
"so..you don't want to marry him?" Sakura didnt knew what to answer should she say yes or no? She wanted to marry him so badly but she wanted the sasuke who she fell in love with not the sasuke who tried to kill her or the sasuke who kidnapped her know so it was a no she nodded her head as sasorie smirked "I have a plan.." Sakura looked at sasorie "why are you helping me?" He knew she would say this he smirked and said "im tried of being the akatsuki puppet..I wanna live a normal life only for a while before I die" he said then the pinked sighed even if he was lying she nedded his help sakura looked at him in a determined look "fine what is your plan?" Sasorie smirked soon he well get back what belongs to him

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