ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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Sakura runned and runned away from the akatsuki hideout following sasorie plan while running she keept rermebring the plan and what she should do
''Once you feel far away from here then go hide into this cave it have a cherry blossom tree and red flower next to it"
She felt she was far away then she looked over the cave it was the same cave he experienced it sakura ran inside the cave and hide inside of it making sure he wouldn't hear her voice "sa-ku-ra" she heared him saying her name she covered her mouth making sure no single sound well come out she just hope sasorie plan well work out
"anata~ where are you~" he asked she didn't answered
Sasuke was annoyed by this he grinned his teeth and then yelled "Sakura just come out of the damn cave i know you're in there!" He growled her eye's widen she almost gasped he knew where she was
"not gonna come out I see.." he said in a cold tone she stayed silent "heh..." Sakura soon felt his footsteps going away to another road she smiled a joyful smile and get up once she get up all she could of felt was sasuke behind her he whispered in her ear "bo.." she though he well knock her out but the unexpected happened sasorie came and summoned some of his puppets at sasuke "sasori!" She said grinning at sasorie happily she never expected she well ever be happy to see an akatsuki member ever in her whole entire life sasuke was too busy finding sasorie puppets then the redhead certain grapped the ligth greened eyes girl along with him running away from sasuke
He hold her in a bridestyle way and jumped in the air a high jump to the nearest shortiest mountain "DANG IT!" Sasuke yelled tearing the puppets apart
Sakura looked at sasuke who had a evil smirk burning up to her even if she was far she could hear him saying
"I well find you anata..you well never get rid of me" all she heared beofre sasorie grapped her away from this monster she used to love sakura was hopped on sasorie back he smirked his first part of the plan is done successfully
Now the second part well be sort hard

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