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"One more push!" The doctor yelled sakura pushed one more time her last time and then she heard the baby crying voice the doctor took the child to wash her up then handed her to sakura sakura looked at her she was a girl and she was beautiful the child had Sasuke hair color and sasuke eyes color but sakura forhead and the hair and eyes shape the doctor rolled her eyes and left sakura hold her child closer to her chest crying the tears falls down onto the child face the baby was giggling happily she tried to reach her mom face she tried to reach sakura face to wipe the tears away sakura looked at her child one last time then said "sweetie..please forgive me..forgive me for being weak" she said while crying more hot tears falls down what she said was true if only sakura stayed strong and fought sasuke and sasorie back she wouldn't be abdducted or rapped her child won't have to live a nightmare excuse for a life "a..ah" the baby made some sort of werid noises meaning she was hungry "shh..here.." she hold the child closer to her chest breast feeding her baby soon after the baby had enough of milk she failed a sleep sakura got out of the hospital to her apartment she placed the baby on the bed she didn't had enough money to buy the baby bed she only bought clothes food toy's diappers and a shinon tv with a iPhone

Sakura turned on a soft sleep song for the babies for her beloved sarada to sleep well yes she named her sarada now she doesn't knew what should she do next after giving a birth to her beloved sarada she wished she was never in love with sasuke or fourth sasorie if only she was not an idiot she would have her parents loving her and her friend by her side welcoming her into thire arms and mabey a boyfriend that well love her "what a positive love..." she thought to her self this life sakura live now is a nightmare she would not let her child live it she won't let other bullies her for being a daughter of the traitor she knew what well happen to her child she well make sure she well live a happy life with friends and family even if its mean to leave konoha

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