Chapter 4

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!       

I let out a frustrated groan as I turn off my alarm. Today is the first day of school and I’m not looking forward to it. Don’t get me wrong, I like school, I just don’t like dealing with the lousy teachers and not so smart kids. I use all of my energy to get out of  my warm bed and into the coldness of my room. As soon as I’m up, I search through my dark wooden wardrobe and get dressed. I leave my room and walk toward the kitchen so that I can have a bite to eat.

When I arrive in the kitchen, I grab the big box of cheerios, simply because it’s easy to make. Once I finish breakfast, I look at my inexpensive watch and see that it’s seven forty-five. School starts at eight so I get out of the house and start to walk to school. Admin enter the school building, people start to stare since I am the leader of Magic City and usually don’t go to school because I have lots of work at the Wizard Headquarter.  I continue to walk casually down the hall. When I arrive at the main office, I go to a lady who looks like she is in early 50's.

“Excuse me,” I say politely. The lady looks up from her computer and immediately recognizes me.

“Sorry sir. How can I help you?”

"May I have my schedule"

"Yes sir. Just give me a minute as I print it out."  
I check my schedule and walk to my first class. The classrooms in Magic school have the same structure as a theater. There are rowing that are raised up so that everyone has a good view. In the process of sitting at my desk, I see the teacher writing her name on the chalkboard.
She clears her throat before saying,

"Hello class. My name is Mrs. Robinson. Today we are going to learn how to open a portal."

Ugh. I can't stand learning about the basics of magic. I am the leader of Magic City meaning that I know a lot about magic, so teaching the basics to me is like teaching Einstein the alphabet. The school probably made a mistake with my schedule.  I would leave the classroom right now, but I don't want to be rude. I guess I just I have to deal with the torture for today until I have spare time to go to the main office and get my schedule fixed. I take out my wand, so i’m prepared for the lesson.

“The first thing you need to open a portal is to point your wand wherever you want the portal to be. After that, you are going to move your wand in a counter clockwise motion,” Mrs. Robinson instructed with her posh British accent.
This class is absolutely mundane. While, she continued the lesson I found myself zoning her out.

“Arthur!” Caught off guard I jumped in my seat. I look up and see Mrs. Robinson glaring at me.

“Care to demonstrate the class how to open a portal.” I leisurely get out of my seat and walk towards the front of the classroom. I point my wand at the wall and within a second I have a portal open. Mrs. Robinson is just standing there with her mouth open. I smirk. I guess she doesn't know that I’m one of the greatest wizard here.

“That was,” Mrs. Robinson starts, “amazing. Where did you learn to do that?”
I twirl my wand in my hand, trying to show off more than I already have.

“I learned it here, but that was three years ago.” Once again she is stunned by my actions. Mrs. Robinson is still standing awestruck trying to process everything. I can't believe that she still has no clue of who I am and what I am capable of. As she starts to comprehend what I had said she asks,

"If you learned how to do this three years ago then why are you in this class?"

"You see, I was wondering the exact same thing. My best guess is that there was a mistake when my schedule made," I reply sarcastically still twirling my wand.

“Don’t smart-mouth me, mister,” she said and sits at her her desk. While Mrs. robinson look through the papers on her desk, I start think about how much a hate her already.  I am really done with this teacher. No one tells me what to do or what not to do.

“Fine, I guess I’ll just sit here and wait for class to end,”

The teacher goes on with the class while I lie my head down on the desk and tried to take a nap. Eventually, the class gets too loud so it is almost impossible for me fall asleep normally. I could put a sleeping spell on myself, but those are too difficult reverse in a such a short time span. Besides, I have a lot on my mind. Ever since I rescued Emma Rose and her little brother, I haven’t been able to take her off my mind.She is so beautiful, nice, and charming. But there is something else that makes her so unique and peculiar, but not in a bad way. There was another kid our age that came in yesterday, Luke was his name. He also looked to be different. There is something special about Luke and Emma, I just need to figure out what.

I shake when the loud bell takes me out of my trance. Finally, I am able to leave this horrible place. When I walk out of the classroom, I receive a telepathic message from Wizard Headquarters telling me get there immediately, nothing else.

I head in the direction of the Headquarters while most people went to the Grand Hall. I see Emma and Luke walk out of the school together in front of me. It is the first day for both of them, and judging by their expressions, they’re having a pretty good time. Without warning, and although slight, a pain like a scorching fire started burning in my stomach. As I continued to peer at the smiles of Emma and Luke while they walked side by side, the more the pain would sting. Is this what jealousy feels like? I ultimately pull my view away from the disgustingly happy couple and advance to the Wizard Headquarters.

Jeff greets me as I walk in, as he usually does, while I take my place at the front of the conference room. “So, what’s wrong now?” My voice cracks with irritation.

“Well, our dragon situation has gotten worse,” Kelly reports.

“Really, how could it have gotten worse?” All I can imagine is Emma, with that blond-haired, blue-eyed bastard.

“Instead of merely ignoring the humans on the ground, the dragons have begun to attack them. So far, there is an estimation of already three thousand casualties.” Kelly explains as she tries to overlook my intense attitude.

“And what do you suppose we should do about it?! Those pesky humans aren’t our problem anyways!” I blow up. Everyone blankly stares at me, speechless. I take a second to internalize what I’ve just said and my eyes widen. What was that?

“Sir, are you ok?” Kelly looks genuinely concerned.

 “Yeah...yeah, sorry, i just, I don’t know,” I say, “Set up a group of brave wizards that’s willing to help round up the dragons. We leave at dusk tomorrow.” I hurry out of the headquarters and don’t look back. My mind is too filled with jealousy and embarrassment to think about whatever havoc the dragons are reeking on the defenseless humans.  

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