Chapter 3 : The First Day

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The week went by painfully slow. I kept checking the internet for news articles on Mark. Still, nothing came up. But I was able to find a cheap couch and coffee table from an estate sale two blocks over. The man who was holding the sale even brought it over for me, seeing I was without a car. My clothes, though few, where thankfully nice since my jobs from my past required a professional look. They hung in my closet, waiting for my first day of my new job. I was becoming more and more eager to start work. I was obsessively checking the internet and it was starting to mess with my head.

The eve before my first day, I set my clothes out on the still empty bedroom floor. I changed the top twice for the right fit. I was able to sneak a single pair of my favorite work shoes in my backpack that night. They were designer, with a heel, but comfortable as well. I would look put together on the outside at least. I wandered into the bathroom to brush my teeth and headed off to bed on my new-to-me couch, eager for the new day to some

I awoke the next morning with a start . I must have been dreaming again...I don't remember much, but I have a good guess who it was about. I pull my hair out of my face with a pony tail and stand up, getting ready with an excitement I haven't felt in years. I locked up my apartment and headed down stairs, waking the short two blocks to work.

When I arrived I was checked in at reception and given and ID badge. The receptionist said that the CEO would be with me shortly and to take a seat in one of the lobby chairs.
As soon as I sat down a middle ages man approached me, extending his hand.

"Hi, I'm Bang PD, welcome to BigHit. You must be Soya." He said with a large smile.

"Yes. Hi, pleased to meet you." I say, matching his energy the best that I could.

"Well, let's go on a quick tour before you meet our talent." BangPD said as he led me down a hallway, painted white and donned with awards and plaques. He led me to an back door that let to a huge room, empty but for several mirrors. " This is where the guys practice, choreography mostly, but sometimes singing as the acoustics are quite good"

I nod in amazement as we continued the tour. A small, but well stocked cafeteria, a small gym. Two separate recording rooms. The locker room and then the makeup room.

"As you can see you should have everything you need" he said. I looked around at the luxurious makeup and tools that would be at my disposal.

" Wow, yes. This is great, thank you." I smiled. As I looked over, a blond man entered the room

"Ah, there you are... Soya, meet August D..." Bang PD said, gesturing at the seven men who entered the door. "August D meet Soya, your new head of makeup. I actually must be off to a meeting, but it was great to meet you and look forward to working with you" he said as he looked down at his Rolex and quickly excued himself from the room with a giant wave.

"Bye, nice to meet you, too" I waved cheerily back.

"Wow, a tour from Hitman Bang himself" the man named August D said quietly.

" Yeah. I think I got to see everything" I said as I nervously swayed my body. All confidence I felt had disaperated. The man before me was intense and dry.

"Well, good to meet you. I was just in here for something...." I said walking past me, looking through what presumed to be the lip drawer, pulling out a balm. He gave me a small bow and left with out saying another word.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the makeup room, down the hall and back to the receptionist.

"Hi again, can you print off an iternerary for me tomrrow?" I asked her kindly. She smiled and typed a few things into her computer. Within seconds she handed me the sheet of paper that I desired. "Thank you" I said with a small bow and walking back to the makeup room. I took a seat in a stylists chair and went through all the products and tools at my disposal and took a mental inventory. The products were all extremely high quality and it made me wonder of the company itself is bigger than they appear.

After about 30 minnutes I headed out to get a coffee with some of the few roaming dollars I had left. I walked into the shop to see August D ordering ahead of me. I stepped up behind him and when he finished he turned around, slightly annoyed

"Hey, you again" he said, making brief eye contact before looking to the empty tables near by

"Soya. Yeah. Hi." I said in my brightest voice."It seems tomorrow we get you ready for a shoot and I..."

He walked right past me to the nearby tables and sat down. Okay, then. Not a talker. I swallowed the hitch in my breath and step up to order coffee. When I'm waiting I sit at the table farthest away. I check my phone for any updates and emails. None. So I look up to find August D staring at me. I give him a half grin and look around the coffee shop, taking intge room as a means of distracting myself. When my name is called I grab my coffee and head straight out the door.

Great. I can't believe I've somehow messed this up. Oh well, its not like I haven't worked with grumpy people before. But this hurt deep for some reason. Maybe my emotional state still needs some work. I walk back into the company building, introducing my self to a few producers and choreographers as I make my way back to the makeup room . When I arrive I'm relieved to see another woman there.

" Hi" she says automatically, "I'm Kim, the hair stylist"

"Soya" I reply shaking her hand. "Makeup artist"

"It's nice to meet you, I guess you anf I will be working together. Have you met any of the band?" She asks. She a perky, tall woman who seems to have quite the amount of energy.

"Just August D. Is there more?" I question

"Oh yeah, but they're probably still on Holiday. Yoongi is his real name. He normally works on his own project while the rest of the members vacation" she says, setting up her hair station for tomorrow's shoot "don't be offended if he's grumpy. He's normally like that."

"Oh, um, I didn't notcie..." I lied.

"Oh well, then don't be surprised. And don't react to it. The last makeup girl couldn't handle it. " she says, not even looking up from her station.

"Okay. Sounds good. I think I'm done for today. See you in the morning, then?"

"Oh, yes." She looks up at me with a wide smile that shows a row if perfectly straight teeth. She waves her goodbye at me as I exited the room and make my way down the hallway. I wonder to myself about the other members as I walk out the door...

"Shit" he yells as papers fly in the air

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." I say to August D, Yoongi, as I run straight into him.

"Well, watch were you're going!" he snaps at me as he leans down to pick up the papers.

"Okay, sorry, it was an accident." I apologize, picking up the papers around me "I can help you organize this" I offer. He snatches the few papers I've picked up out of my hands and storms off inside the building without another word or look at me.

I heave a big sigh of defeat and head slowly back to my empty apartment.

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