Chapter 1: The Escape

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*This story is purely fictional and does not depict any real person(s) actual behaviors or manners. I do not know Yoongi, Bang PD, or anyone at Big Hit. This book is purely fan fiction. *

*This book describes scenes of domestic violence and suicide. Please reach out and seek help if you are the victim of domestic violence and/or suicidal thoughts.*

*I'm not the greatest with spelling or punctuation, so please forgive me.*

Enjoy my second book and thank you so much for reading. Love you all!

I pulled my hood up over my head, hiding what I could of my face. I continued running, not looking back. He should be out for a few more hours, long enough to take the cash that I've been sneakily taking and hiding for the last several years and purchase a one way bus ticket to the airport. The heavy rain soaking me through the dark clothes I had time to sneak into. I worried about the minimal contents in my backpack that I had prepared in advanced and now carried squarely on my back. On this cold, early September night I knew this was my only chance to get away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and watched my breath evaporate and picked up to my speed. I'm almost there....

I hop into a set of empty  seats and let out a deep sigh, dropping my backpack on the empty seat beside me. I was cold and wet and relieved. He'll never find me again. At least, I hope he won't. The years of being this man's punching bag now in the past. My wrists still showing the bruises he left from a week ago when I accidently broke my glass of wine. We had been at a gathering for his work, surrounded by his colleuges and friends. I apologized sincerely to the host, his boss, but it was too late. I look over to see his eyes meet mine across the room, his smiled fade into a grimace. I knew I was as good as dead that night. Thankfully it was unseasonably cold and long sleeves and sweaters were needed to stay warm.

I let out another sigh and close my eyes. I knew I needed to get some sleep, but my adrenaline was still on high alert. I didn't kill him. I tried so hard not too. Just a couple pills in his evening coffee. He used so much creamer that it would have been hard to tell. He had collapsed at his desk while I watched though a small crack in the door. As soon as he slumped over I grabbed my cash and my backpack that I'd been hiding away for this exact moment. It wasn't easy, hiding as much from the man who was looking for every excuse to beat the shit out of you. I'd been accused of everything: cheating, stealing, spying, amongst other small accuses. I'd been getting cash back at the store for over two years now, fifty dollars a week. I'd hidden the bills between my stacks of romance novels that I had collected since I was a teenager when I t was time to collect the money, I stuffed it into a backpack with all the minor necessities I would need to survive for a few days. Hiding it was the tricky part. For someone as sneaky as him, I really had to wrack my brian. I ended up unscrewing a ceiling vent in our guest bathroom and cramming it up in the hole, before quickly screwing it back before he got home from work. Our house was pretty large, we never used that bathroom.

Looking over at my backpack, I'm greatful that I'd save enough for a small security deposit on a cheap apartment and a quick makeover. Being a makeup artist had it's perks in this scenario. I had secured a job with a small company, I would be doing makeup for an artist I have never heard of, but just as well. Easier for me to hide. Getting the job involved me buying a secret laptop and cell phone. Both stored away in my backpack, still soaking wet.

I glaced out at the window, the rain hitting the window with a triggering velocity. I rest my head back on the seat and closed my eyes again, willing myself some sleep.

When I woke I looked out the window. Still raining. I had arrived to the city I intended to be in and I quickly got up, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and exiting the almost empty bus. As I stepped off and left the bus station, I set off for a coffee shop so I could have a hot drink and look for the cheapest apartment available. The streets still wet from the rain, I had thankfully dried off a little as I rested, but I still moved as quickly as I could incase it should pour again.

The sun breaking through the early clouds made me realized it was just becoming dawn. I found a coffee shop to the right at the bus stop and saw an employee flip the CLOSED sign to OPEN. I rushed inside and set down my backpack. I ordered my coffee and sat down and pulled out my lap top. I opened it and checked the news. Nothing. Good. I closed the tab and began my apartment search. Since I didn't have a car or a bike I needed something close to the building that housed the recording studio, workout room and doorm rooms for the musicians. I scanned briefly before I found one.  The only one available. Shit, it was half of the money I had. I guess it was okay since I started work next week, but I wouldn't have much money for food and definetly not enough for furniture...

" Order for Soya..." the woman called. I stood up and grabbed my hot americano. I sat back down realizing that I would have to bet he won't come looking for me. Name changes costed a lot of money and took a long time. I was screwed in that area. Plus, my beauty license was under my name and I needed that to work.

I called the apartment complex and took the apartment while it was still available. After checking a few emails, I checked the time and packed my gear back up to head to the apartment to give them the deposit. While I was walking the weather started to pick back up, the sun breaking through the clouds for a promising day.

"Here's hoping" .... I sighed.

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