Chapter 1: Lost Love

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Torvi's Point Of View
We're at war with my Father and the only reason that I'm here is because I love my Husband, so I stayed here in Kattegat for him and because that is where our Children are. Bjorn has been back from the Mediterranean for a few hours now. His been with our Children Erik who is ten, Guthrum who is eight, Siggy who is six, Refil who is four, Hali who is two and Asa who is one.

I stayed in the Great Hall watching the Sami people talk with our people mixing themselves together talking and drinking. I've spoken to Princess Snaefrid for a little while soon my Husband was sitting with us at the table and now talking with her too.

"I'm not in love with you anymore." Bjorn told me as we walked out of the Great Hall with our Children.

"Say again?" I asked wanting to make sure I heard that right.

"I'm not in love with you anymore, Torvi." He said it slowly and I knew that he was saying he wanted a Divorce.

"You want a Divorce, then you can find somewhere else to sleep tonight." I told him and he nodded though he did not leave he helped me put the Children to sleep then he left me alone, with our Children in our house but now it's my house because if he thinks that his getting our house then he is wrong.

I woke up in bed alone to Asa's crying. So I walked towards her room and once I was their I calmed her down and then brought her with me so that I could make some breakfast. We all ate breakfast together not one of them asked about their Father or where he was.

After breakfast I was walking around the market place when I saw Bjorn and Snaefrid kissing down on the docks, it looked to be like they where getting Married, it had not even been a day and his Marrying her. I walked further down to the docks, to Lagertha and she just looked at me before hugging me from the side.

 I walked further down to the docks, to Lagertha and she just looked at me before hugging me from the side

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"His Marrying her and it has not even been a day yet." I said and she nodded looking at me like she understood the pain I was going through and she probably does since I'm pretty sure Ragnar did something similar to her with Aslaug.

"This is what Ragnar did with Aslaug, I was just never here to watch it, I'm sorry Torvi. I know that you love him." She said but I did not cry, I would not cry here not here not where he can see not where my Brother will come and make a big deal out of it.

"I'm with his Child again." I told Lagertha the only person that I have told is Lagertha not Bjorn, not my Brother who is in Kattegat or our Children.

"Does he know?" Lagertha asked me while looking at me.

"No he does not know and that is how I wish for it to stay, because I'm leaving my Children can stay here with you but I must leave because I will not be his fool and I'm not going to deal with all of theses people trying to find out what has happened between Bjorn and I. So I must go to my Father back home. I will not fight in the war unless my Children are dragged into it." I told Lagertha and she nodded.

"I will tell Bjorn for you, go say good bye to your Children. Just please make sure you end up coming back for your Kids since there is no way that they will all be able to survive with just Bjorn looking after them and no doubt will his Wife want to get read of them so she can have her Child on the throne."

"Thank you." I said before letting go of her and leaving to say goodbye to my Children.

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