chapter 1

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The brunette gazed off into the distance, taking in the soft clouds contrasting against the bright blue sky and the deep green treetops. His brown irises followed a flock of birds gracefully travelling the heavens, yearning for the freedom that was normal to them.


With a sharp knock to the back of his head his attention flipped to the blonde male behind him, "Hey! I'm the prince you know, this could be considered an attack on the royal family! I could have you arrested for treason," Oikawa grumbled out the empty threat, rubbing the area that recieved the blow.

"This is no joking matter, Tooru. Your mother is trying to become allies with the Kingdom of Karasuno and she needs you to be ready for the family's arrival and make a good impression on their heirs. This allyship cannot be carried out if you don't present yourself properly to them," the man stated while slowly pacing in front of the desk the young brunette sat at.

"Mr. Mizoguchi, I don't need to study these people to make a good impression. I think I'm charming enough to win them over before they've had a chance to dine with us," the boy gave a cocky smirk and received a glare from his etiquette teacher.

"I think you overestimate your magnetism, Tooru," Mizoguchi let a chuckle escape his lips before continuing, "but please, let us prepare for their arrival. You must pay attention to these detailings, and we also need to brush up on your table manners. They've been slipping."

With a gentle sigh, Oikawa had nodded and placed his chin upon his hand, allowing himself one last glance at the boundless landscape before turning his full attention to his tutor.


After what felt like hours, Oikawa's dull lessons of good manners were interrupted by a stern knock on the door.

A black haired man opened the door and peeked his head in, "Your Highness, the Queen has requested you at the gatehouse to greet our guests."

The voice was enough to make Oikawa perk his head up off his hand and look to the doorway with a grin, "Mattsu! How many times have I told you? You and I have grown up in this castle together, you don't need to keep up with formalities," he stated while standing up from his seat.

Matsukawa was a childhood friend of Oikawa's, and also happened to be the son of the commanding officer of the Royal Guard. Growing up he always knew that he'd have to work under Tooru, but that never affected their friendship. When he was initiated into the Guard, he was assigned to be the prince's personal bodyguard which allowed him to prove himself and carry on his father's legacy while still maintaining his good friendship with Oikawa.

"Those formalities you keep insisting I drop are a part of my job, Your Highness," Matsukawa smirked as he bowed, drawing out his last words in an exaggerated fashion, "Now please, let's hurry. The Queen will have your head if you're late for visitors. Again."

Oikawa rolled his eyes before turning to his teacher and giving a smug look, "Sorry sir, but it looks like duty calls!"

Before Mizoguchi could object, the prince scurried out of the stuffy study and followed his friend. The two hadn't spoken since the night previous, so they exchanged small talk and friendly banter, making jokes all the way to the gatehouse. As they approached, Matsukawa took his post at the grand portcullis while the Queen greeted her son.

"It's about time you arrived, Tooru, the Queen of Karasuno is almost here," the older woman started brushing off his attire and made slight adjustments to his hair, waving to a handmaiden that was on standby, "Would you be a dear and crown him, please?"

The maid nodded and swiftly approached the prince, reaching up to place the crown in her hands atop his soft, brown hair. He smiled sweetly at her, giving her a small "thank you" as she scurried off back to her post. The boy turned back to his mother with his mouth open, about to make an opposing remark to his presence at this meeting, but before he could get a word out he was interrupted by fanfare.

The Queen straightened her posture and Oikawa followed suit. He saw what he assumed to be the council to Karasuno's queen on horseback. Behind them, he was barely able to make out a silhouette of a man- in all honesty, he looked like just a boy- with bright orange hair on the back of a white steed.

"That must be the prince I have to suck up to tonight," Oikawa muttered.

"Tooru! Mind your manners," his mother scolded.

He gave a slight chuckle before looking back to the approaching caravan. Behind the ginger boy he'd pointed out was a clear outline of a royal carriage, which he guessed carried the Queen and Princess. The rider's all started to slow their horses as they reached the gatehouse, dismounting and adjusting their attire as needed. There was a blonde man who seemed to be a royal advisor based on his wardrobe, as well as a younger brunette who wore armor and was most likely the family's guard. The ginger boy had also dismounted his horse, and now that he was closer, it was clear that he was in fact a young man but just happened to be cursed with a small stature. He waited at the doors of the carriage as the guard opened them, allowing an orange haired woman and her younger counterpart to step out. The three held incredible resemblance to one another, their young complexions and vibrant hair making it clear that they were family.

As the royals and their accompanying council reached where the hosting family stood, the men gave a bow while the ladies gave a curtsey. Tooru's mother instantly greeted the other Queen and her advisor, and he took that as his cue to greet the Prince and Princess. He gently took the girl's hand and gave it a charming peck, "You must be Princess Natsu, radiant as ever." He then straightened his posture and turned to her brother, offering a hand to shake.

"And you can only be Prince Shoyo. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Oikawa was as polite as could be, but something in him was bored at the thought of this dinner. It was nothing more than an assignment to him; get on the siblings' good side to sweeten the deal his mother wanted to make. He was tired of making friends due to someone's command, he craved more than an empty acquaintanceship. He wanted to craft relationships on his own accord, because he wanted to instead of being obligated to. He wanted to be free from these pointless endeavors, to live as he pleased with no ulterior motive, to simply be whoever he wanted to be; and he planned to do that. Tonight.

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