only on the weekends- part 2

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TWS// ed, suicidal mentions, sh, abuse mentions

If you need to skip over this chapter luvs, stay safe <3


Georges POV

Knock Knock

"George, you gotta let me in, please."

I had locked myself in the bathroom, not wanting anyone to see me in this state of mind.

I slowly pick myself off the bathroom floor, looking at myself in the mirror.

What a disgrace

That's why she broke up with you

Your so fat

Why do you eat


I ignore Dream's screaming in the background and open up the drawer. There it is, what has haunted me since I was 12.

A razor blade.

I pull up my sleeves and let the blade sink into my arm, the pain of her suddenly going away.

I wince as I keep on cutting, 2 turning into 4, 4 turning into 8.

I quickly hide the razor in a box, as I start to hear the handle turn.

The door suddenly creaks open, as I see Dream standing there with the bathroom key I always leave on my desk for emergencies.

"George.." Dream says running up to me, enclosing me in his arms.

I start to cry uncontrollably, putting my head in the crook of Dream's neck as I hug him back.

As my crying starts to get under control, Dream pulls away from the hug as he lifts up my head.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He says as he picks me up and sets me on the counter.

I pull my sleeves down and fiddle with fingers as Dream grabs a few things.

He unexpectedly grabs my hands and interlocks his fingers with mine.

"May I?" He says as he moves his hands up to my wrists, indicating he needs to pull up my sleeves.

I lightly nod as he slowly pulls up my sleeves, as I quietly wince, the sweater brushing over one of my cuts.

Dreams eyes slowly widen as he sees all of the scars on my arms.

I quickly pull my arms back as he grabs them, making me flinch.

"George, you know I would never lay a finger on you... right?" He says rubbing his thumb over one of my scars.

"And for one, I think your scars are an image of who you are, beautiful." Dream says as he pulls me into a hug.

I hesitate, but eventually hug back.

Dream then cleaned up my cuts, kissing each one as he puts a bandaid on it... giving me butterflies everytime.

"Hey George, if you could answer a few questions for me that would be great. I'm not forcing you to answer, but if you could that would be great." Dream said grabbing my hands.

"O-ok." I said stumbling on my words, already knowing what he was gonna ask me.

"What makes you feel like you have to do this?"

"Everything. My mom, who marries a guy with money so she doesn't have to worry about a kid because she's always on vacation with Bill. And when they are home, Bill um.."

"Take all the time you need George, it's ok."

"Bill um, hits me if the house isn't clean or if my grades aren't good. My mom lets him because she's always too drunk to realize what's going on. The bullies at school also beat me up, a-and they say racial slurs to me, saying I shouldn't be on the cheer team or wear skirts because i'm a guy. They call me a fag and other homophobic names because i'm pansexual, and I hate it. I feel like I wanna end it all. Every single day. I just wanna go far away and forget about everything and get drunk or some shit. A-and there's this cat walk at my school that I pass at least twice a day... and the other day Maddie and I were walking talking about our routine for our home game on Friday, and I was looking over the edge of the catwalk... t-then some jock came up to me and told me to jump. I wanted to talk to you about it, but I knew you wouldn't understand. Clay, your parents are always there for you. You have a normal mom who is always there for you and isn't drunk all the time and an actual dad who isn't abusive, and supports you being bi. I'm never aloud to wear skirts around them because I'll end up getting hit by Bill. You can walk out of the house to go somewhere fucking naked and they would be ok with it. You don't understand what it feels like to be hated, your the most popular guy at school who is friends with everyone. You could pull any person at our school, and yet your friends with me. Why Dream, why?"

"George, listen to me. You are worth so much more than all that shit. You are so kind hearted and sweet. You can make me laugh one moment then cry the next. Your personality is beyond perfect. Your smile is the most perfect thing. George, if you could see yourself from my eyes you would see how much you are worth and how beautiful you are, inside and out. Now come here." Dream said opening his arms up, indicating he wanted a hug. I gave him a small hug, as he quickly pulled away.

"George, I have another question."

"Mhm?" I said, already knowing what the question was.

"Where's the razorblade?"

953 words









also I think i'm gonna stay up and write another chapter to this short story

this one might have 10-15 parts so be ready 

also i'm srry if there's spelling mistakes i hate proof reading :p

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