First letter

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Hey my kookie,

Do you remember the first day we met?  wasn't it unforgettable? I think we were destined to meet each other that day and it was our fate to fall in love as well.

I was doing my Post-graduation then in America. A studious guy with zero interest in arts but that very special day my art enthusiastic friend had forced me to go with him to an arts fest. I sat there in the crowd bored to my core watching different painters come up to the stage to show what magic they can do on the canvas. I wasn't mesmerized nor interested. I was a typical science guy who loved mixing acids rather than watching someone paint.
I just wanted it to be over so that I can go back home and study for my exams.

("You were always bored and always spent your time making formulas, so that's not something new" Jungkook said with a slight smile on his face.)

I waited and waited and that's when a handsome young man with tattoos and a manly bun came up on the stage. I should say the truth, you were freaking hot. My sleepy eyes woke up thinking that some mafia from some novel had come to life. You were too young, just 24 . But the typical me lost interest again when I saw you were asked to paint something. Not just something but the most beautiful sight that caught your attention in that large ground. It was an open ground with trees, flowers, food stalls and you could even see the beautiful sunset afar. Hence people made guesses about what you would draw.
You just took one second to look around and you were already painting. No one knew what had caught your artist eyes. At last when you were finished with the painting and turned it around for everyone to see I was shocked. People started searching for the face amongst the crowd. It was me. You painted me in the most beautiful way and I still cant understand what you found that beautiful in me!

(You were always beautiful Tae. I don't think there would be anything to compete with your beauty.)

But do you know what caught my attention? It was not the colors that you used nor the way you had painted me. It was the beautiful smile that you had drawn in the painting. My boxy smile that no one knew even existed. I never had good reasons to laugh in my life and I'm damn sure I never laughed after entering that ground yet you beautifully drew my boxy smile. How did you do that ? How did you know what I would look like if I laugh?

(The moment I laid my eyes on you I could see your whole soul. You may not believe me Tae, but I knew there was something special in you. I had that sudden urge to erase the frown on your face and replace it a beautiful smile.)

Kook-ah I was a person who didn't laugh much because I had nothing much to be happy about in my life. It was a colorless life with only sad days and troubles. But the moment I saw your painting I knew.... I knew you could give me something that no one else could give me. I knew you would be the only person who could put a smile on my face and make me happy. You were the chosen one for me. My guardian angel who is going to be the reason for the happiest days in my life.

But.... you idiot..  you ignored me after that! You fucking painted me and left without even speaking to me. I tried to talk to you again after you got down from the stage. Yet, you just walked off as if I was invisible.

(I was not that good talker Tae, by now you would know that right?  I really wanted to talk to you. But I think I was too shy to do that.)

I was stubborn kid. If I had set a goal then I will fulfill it using any method. So I started following you everywhere. I was mad, I was crazy. The more you ignored me, the more I fell for you. The more I had the urge to meet you and talk to you. I could see in your eyes the flash of fascination every time you saw me. So, I knew that the feelings were mutual. We were craving to get to know each other.  And hence, I started troubling you more. I just started popping up wherever you went. And fought with the authorities to have a talk with you. But it was of no use. I really behaved like a kid right?

(Nothing has changed, you are still a kid)

But in the end I got what I wanted and I will treasure  it forever. So, how can I be far away from that special someone who gave me the smile and life I dreamt of? You are my elixir kook. Without you I'm just a handful of dust. So, don't cry now. Because we belong to each other.

(If I'm your elixir then you are my ambrosia, Tae. Everything about you was godly and I badly wanted to see you smile always. And I will make sure to put that smile on your face with whatever I have, love. So, I will calmly wait for you to return and give me back my life.)

So, kook always remember however far I maybe, you will always be the only one in my world. You are my happiness and I will make sure that the happiness will always be by my side.  ~~

 From your only love. 


Hello my fav reader!!!! I'm back again and am just editing the first few chapters before publishing new ones!!!

Keep reading and be happy!!!

Love you all!!  ;)

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