Fourth letter

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Italics are Jungkook's thought while reading the letter.


We were opposites when it came to likings and preferences yet there was a place we both loved a lot. The beach. I have just lost count of how many nights we have spent under the moonlight taking in the scent of the salty sea. Do you want to go with me to the beach again?
(Is that even a question Tae. I even had plans of buying a seaside home. Beach is always my second priority. Jungkook said with a smile.)

Do you remember the day when we made love for the first time? It was in a beachside resort. We had a clear view of the whole sea from our room. You were the one who initiated the act. We were always looking forward to this moment, when we become one, our mind, body and soul becoming one. You amused me a lot, the way a buffed up man like you handled me like a feather. I can still feel you smooth kisses on my skin. Your kisses were like fire on my proclein skin. I just wanted it more and more. I wanted you to devour me. I can still feel your fingers dancing on my skin feeling each and every part of my body. You were exploring me, experimenting on me. You tasted me in and out , slowly, savoring me like I was a feast you didnt want to miss. You were like an alpha who was scenting his mate, possesively, letting out low grunts of satisfaction.
Did you know how manly you looked? With all your muscles, tattoos and your hair tied up showing off your forehead. My God, I felt so small in front of you. I was becoming more and more submissive. I wanted to just lie there and leave to you everything. Let you do whatever you want to do with my body. I want those nights to come back again. I want you in me, moving in and out slowly, sparking pleasure in me. You gave each thrust slowly, as if you didnt want the pleasure to never end.  We wanted the feel to never go and remain in that bubble forever. I just fucking love you Jungkook do you know that ?
(You never need to tell me again and again that you love me because I could see that in each and every little gestures of yours.)

Do you know something kook? If I were a woman we would have had a little version of us running through our home by now. I really used to think about changing my research subject from chemistry to some technology based subject so that I could find some way through which men could impregnate a child. I did a little search though and found out that it was possible. I really wanted a baby. But God was not in our side kook. I didnt even get a chance to discuss about it with you. But dont worry, I know God will give us another chance. Once I meet you let's have a trip to heaven to have a discussion with God about how even men should be given a chance to have wombs to have babies of their own. So be ready for the trip. I'm on my way to you.

Your heaven,

(How can you make jokes even when we are far away, Tae. Jungkook had a smile on his face. He could imagine how Tae would have smiled saying those last few sentences. How can you bring back my smile when you are not even with me Tae. But dont worry, we can surely make a trip to heaven when you come back. Let's even hoist a party for God. You just need to come back to me so that we can try creating a mini version of us. How I wish I could see you now then I would have smothered you with kisses.)


Jungkook was rereading the letter again and again. Remembering all those beautiful moments they shared. He knew how Taehyung was addicted with his research work yet made enough time to spend with Jungkook. They were like magnets. No, they were not just magnets but a single soul. There were no secrets between them and there was nothing that they didnt know about each other. They were the perfect puzzles. But now the letters had become a puzzle for Jungkook because even though it was promised that he will get a clue about where Tae is through the letters, it is not the case. He cannot find anything that leads to Taehyung. The letters were just the golden moments they shared with each other and they would like to live again a thousand times.

"I hope atleast the last letter would give me some idea about where he is. But before that I need to eat something. Maybe it is the lack of food that is making me too weak. My whole body is turning numb. Is it the lack of water ? Maybe that's the reason. I will read the last letter after I put something into my system. I'm  really drained."


Hello my beloved readers. How are you guys doing ?💜💜💜💜

Also any idea about where Tae is ?

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