Chapter 1

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Harry is 13 and Peter is 19 so he is in university with MJ. Btw, this takes place in the King Cross Station and this is the summer holidays. Harry's a Slytherin twist~ I decided not to make Ron and Mione bad. It's just sad:'( So only Dumbles~

"Bye Draco, bye guys! I will owl you!" Harry waved and went to the muggle side of the station. "Hey, Dad! Brother! You're here too!" Harry hugged them both. "Of course we came munchkin. We always have time for you." "Yep, I don't have classes today so I came, Har." Tony bought a villa in Britain once he adopted Harry. Tony knew Peter is a genius and he had no problem fitting in. MJ and Ned didn't move but they kept in contact. They all met again in college.

Once they got back home, Harry showed Peter and Tony his Firebolt. "Guys! I found out I have a godfather this year! He gave me a Firebolt, the fastest broom in the whole world!" "That's great, Har. What crazy things did you and your trio do now?" Peter laughed and asked. "I want to know too, munchkin," Tony said to Harry.

A/N: Harry was given permission to travel to Diagon Alley to meet Ron and Mione and to buy his new textbooks. He didn't run away UwU And not only Ron and Mione went to the Whomping Willow with Harry, Draco, Theodore, Blaise, but Pansy also went as well. But only Harry, Mione, Draco, and Pansy went to the past.

*After explaining the Prisoner of Azkaban*

"Your teacher is a werewolf? And he is also your biological father's friend?" Peter asked, amazed. "Wait, your godfather is a mass murderer?" Tony asked. "No! He was framed by a traitor named Peter Pettigrew who lived with my friend Ron as a rat for 12 years." Harry huffed. "I wish I were you, your school would be so fun!" Peter sighed. "You wouldn't want to be attacked by the person who killed your parents every year." Harry shook his head, "The only thing I love at school is quidditch and my friends."

"What about that Snape teacher?" Tony asked. "I think he hated me because of my biological father. He said I was arrogant like him and always up to no good." "Well, you did sneak out to find Pettigrew-" "Oh shut up. How's your girlfriend then?" Peter grew very red. "W-well, MJ's good. I-I mean we're good," We all laughed at Peter's mumbling. "How's the Avengers, Dad? Did Pete join yet? When can I join?"

"Woah, slow down munchkin. Your brother joined already and the Avengers are good." "How's Uncle Steve?" Both Harry and Peter smirked. "Why are you guys asking?" "Did he ask you out yet?" Peter asked. "Maybe?" Peter and Harry raised their fists and cheered. "What about you, Harry?" Tony raised his eyebrows. "W-well, I think I like someone?" "WHO?!" Both Peter and Tony jumped up and activated their big brother and dad's instints. They are very protective of Harry.

"Draco, my best friend!"

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