15• The unseen truth

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🔹️🔹️ Crystal Russell 🔹️🔹️

I was still admiring the moon when I heard the sound of soft grunts. I snapped my eyes to Adrien and saw him rolling on the couch in discomfort. I turned on the bed lights and looked at him as his eyes were clenched hard as if in pain.

"Adrien, are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"Hm? Y- yea. Just a little headache." He groaned with his eyes shut.

"Shall I give you a pain killer?" I asked.

"No. It's okay. I am just tired. I will be fine." He said but I wasn't convinced. He was visibly in pain and I couldn't sit and do nothing about it.

"You should sleep on the bed." I was already out of the bed and walked near to him.

"Bu-" "I am not asking, Adrien. Take the bed." I did not let him argue. He sighed and stood up to go to bed. His groans did not stop. Instead, his breath turned harder and I couldn't see him like that anymore.

An idea popped in my head, but I hesitated to ask him. What if he wouldn't be comfortable? I thought to myself. But when he groaned indicating extreme pain, I asked anyway.

"Adrien. Do you- I mean, I can give you a massage if you like." I suggested.

He looked at me for a second, then asked. "Are you sure, I mean, you might be tired too. It's late."

"No. I don't mind." I shook my head.

He nodded with a small smile and muttered a 'thanks'. I shifted closer to him and sat next to his head. Bringing my fingers to his forehead, I gently pressed it. I massaged his temples in a circular motion and a relieved moan left his lips. He relaxed under my touch, giving me a hint of satisfaction.

I, however, had started to get a little uncomfortable after a while due to our position. I kept shifting in my place to sit comfortably but my back and wrist would hurt.

As if sensing it, Adrien suddenly lifted himself up with the support of his elbows and laid his head on my lap. I stiffened for a moment but continued massaging him. Our current position helped me stay relaxed too. Adrien's groans and grunts reduced but he was still breathing heavily. Slowly, my fingers made their way to his hair. I have had a strong urge to run my hands through his silky locks. I moved my fingers over his scalp and he leaned further in my touch. After a few more minutes, his breath calmed down. I glanced at him and his eyes were closed without any signs of pain.

I slowly lifted his head in my hands and moved to place it gently on the soft pillow. Turning off the bed lamp, I moved to go back to the couch but my wrist was tugged back.

"Sleep here, please." He whispered with his eyes slightly open. I agreed with a smile and laid down next to him, our bodies closer than usual. While he was soundly asleep, I couldn't keep my eyes off his perfectly sculpted face. The dim moonlight shone on his face and my fingers involuntarily moved to push the strands of his hair away from his face. Still admiring him, I had no idea when I dozed off.

The next day started off with a new excitement when I received a call from Evan. Apparently, he heard from Hannah that I was looking for a job and he seemed to have one which goes great with me, so he asked me to send him my resume and have a meeting with him later.

Adrien and Aunt Margaret were already gone and Lily had gone to the mart to get some groceries. Before I could get ready for the meeting with Evan, someone I did not expect at all decided to give a surprise visit.

Sophie Flores.

"Hi." She smiled at me at the threshold.

"Hi. Come in." I returned the smile and moved aside allowing her to get in. She walked straight to the living room and got herself comfortable on the couch while I followed her.

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