41• Heart Strings

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🔹️🔹️Crystal Russell🔹️🔹️

Two Months Later

As I came out of the bathroom in a robe, while wiping my wet hair with a towel, My eyes fell on Adrien's sleeping figure. He laid on his chest with the muscles of his bare back relaxed for once. A smile cherished my face watching him sleep with his mouth open like a little baby.

I leaned further, hovering him, making the droplets of water from my hair fall on his face. When I brushed back his hair with my fingers, he squinted his eyes and slowly opened them.

"Good Morning." Watching me grin at him, a sleepy smile settled on his face before he grabbed my waist and rolled over making me fall on the bed with him on top of me. "Morning." He rasped in his bed voice that rose goosebumps on my skin. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before leaving for the bathroom. Meanwhile, I dressed up lazily in a sundress.

Few minutes later, after Adrien had bathed and dressed up, he came up to me with his tie.

"I'm sorry that I have to go to work on this special day." He said with a guilty frown and I faked a pout. He had informed me about the deal he had to sign with his foreign clients who would be available for just today so he wouldn't be with me until afternoon. It had upset me but I understand. "But I promise I'll make the evening worth it."

I looked up at him and gave a small smile. "I'll wait for it." Finishing his tie, I tried to move back but Adrien didn't let me.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I lost count of the number of times we say this to each other in a day. But every time we do, it gives a tug to my heart. Lily was arranging the breakfast on the table when we walked in the dining area.

"Morning, you two!" She cheered and came towards us with a large smile. "Happy One Year Anniversary!"

We both returned her beautiful smile and hugged her together. "Thank you!"

It was our first wedding anniversary. One whole year with bargains, heartbreaks, betrayals and here we were. Loving each other to the end of the world.

Adrien and I wished each other at midnight and decided to do it again exactly a minute before the day ended. The first and last thing we'd say to each other on this day.

After breakfast, Adrien made his way to the office and I asked Lily to accompany me for shopping. I had to look my best tonight so I decided to spend some time and effort on myself. The day passed faster than I realized. It was five in the evening when I was ready for our plans and Adrien came to pick me up.

"Where are we going?" I asked Adrien.

"You'll see. I bet you will like it." The satisfied smirk on his face made a rush of excitement pass through me. We drove for a few more minutes then stopped near a place I had known about.

"Ice Skating!?" My voice shrieked in the car and Adrien hissed before plastering a grin over his face. When he nodded, I began jumping on my seat like a five year old was given his favorite candy. Ice Skating had been on my bucket list since I was eleven. I've had my friends going there and having fun while I had to stay back either because I couldn't afford it or I would be too occupied by my jobs.

"Let's go." Adrien said and I plunged out of the car. "Do you know how to skate?" I froze as the realization dawned on me. I didn't know how to skate and I sheepishly shook my head. Adrien sighed and took my hand in his while resuming to walk. "I may not be a great instructor but I think I can help you learn a bit." My grin was back at that and I hopped my way to the rink. Little did I know.

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