chapter 4; Our Bond(II)

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*Abuja, Nigeria*

*Sabri Khalil*-- Sherine.

''you need to see how he walked into the conference room, so humble and calm!'', I reported while they listened raptly.''his voice too. lord forgive me but I know I was staringgg!'',''our sister is in loooveeee'', Hannan sang and Fara joined her before they high fived each other.''but seriously--'', the sudden shrill of my phone cut me off. seeing it was Baba, i excused myself from the girls and went to meet dad while they set up the room for movie night.after the meeting with dad where he had said I'll be meeting with Alli Khurana again the next day at his office for further discussions, I left his chambers and proceeded back to my room only for the power supply to get cut off when I was on the spiral stairs.

ha, my country will humble you!

''Hashim, please go switch on the solar ooo!'', i called out loudly knowing that is Hashim's job in the house as the only male amongst us.''he went to pick mum'', came Hannan's voice, advancing towards me with the flash of her phone on. I watched her pass by me to switch the solar on.''can you do it?'', i asked her knowing fully well that we compel Hashim to do it without bothering to know how.''yeah, seen him do it a couple of times'', she called back as she went to the control panel. a minute later, the solar came on and she came back with a huge grin on her face.''inyyeeh!'', I whistled.''remind me to flaunt it on Hashim's face'', she bragged, and I looked at her teasingly.''tohr madam, let's go. I'll remind you'', I told her, continuing the journey up the stairs.''guess who switched it to the solar?'', was the first thing Hannan said to Fara who was searching Netflix for what we could watch''hmmm-mm-mm, opor!'', Fara hyped as Hannan twirled while i just shook my head at them, flopping on the numerous throw pillows on the Persian rug then buried myself in the comfy quilt.''so we have the options of; after series, idea of you and.... perfect Addiction'', fara listed out.''perfect addiction'', i and Hannan said in unison and turned to give ourselves teasing looks.''thought so too'', Fara said clicking on it while sliding in between Haanan and I.



Around 2AM after rounds and rounds of Gists and snacks, I retired back to my room and I instantly fell on the bed, picking my phone to check my socials. next thing I found myself doing was going to Instagram and checking Alli Khurana's page; @AK._Linstantly noticing that his posts are all in B/W and instantly fell in love with his aesthetics which prompted me to leave a like on every post. A smile tugged at my lips when i noticed that he has few pictures of himself and those few are side view pictures or he is backing the camera. All in all, he shields his face from the prying eyes of the public. 

Just as I clicked the ''following'' button, the page refreshed, and a new post came up. in the picture which is also in black and white is Alli Khurana in his calm but demanding aura with his entourage of his two bodyguards and two men in suit walking towards the waiting limousine.

my heart in a frenzy as I kept ogling at the piece of imperfect perfection on my screen. I forced myself away from his page when i caught myself back in reality. after checking my notifications and mutual stories, I went to my explore and the first thing i noticed is a blog's post.''Alli Khurana shares beautiful pictures of date night with fiancé''and beneath that sentence is a picture of his leg in an expensive shoe and the lady's leg in Jimmy Choo beside his. something tugged at my heart staring at the picture.''OfCourse, he has to have someone'', I mused angrily to myself before angrily backing out of Instagram and placed my phone on the bedside drawer, did my dhikrs and drifted off to sleep, 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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