Chapter 5 - Trapped

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AN: Here's Chapter 5 for all you beautiful motherfuckers. Once again, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, message me or put them in the comments.

Matt's POV

I wake up with my head still spinning. My vision is blurry but I can just about make out the outlines of the room I'm in. The world around me slowly becomes clearer as I regain my senses and I discover that I've been placed back in the cell I was previously in. I try to stay calm because I know what happens if you panic in these situations.

The next thing I notice is that I'm now wearing nothing but my t-shirt and combat pants. I guess they took the rest of my clothes after my little escape attempt. Looking up, I see that the vent I escaped through was fixed and obviously reinforced. Well, there goes any other chance of escape. I lean back against the wall, wincing as the injection site on the back of my neck makes contact with the cold metal walls. 

What did they even inject me with? Is it safe? Where am I? A million questions flood through my minds as I try to piece together what's happened. We were on a mission to Colombia when on our way to the rendezvous point, we were attacked by some sort of aliens. I was knocked out and possibly brought to their ship. I escaped the cell through a vent and killed the alien who I fought earlier but I was caught and injected with some sort of sedative.

I'm wrenched out of my thoughts by the sound of a door opening. I quickly get up on my feet, wobbling slightly and adopt a fighting stance. One of the aliens walks in, wearing no armor except his helmet. We stand on opposite ends of the cell, silently staring at each other before I let out a battlecry and rush at the creature, knowing full well that I'll probably lose.

The creature raises its hand out towards me. "Ooman, wait!"

I skid to a halt. I can understand it? What the hell is going on here? My mind is flooded with questions.

"What? How can I understand you? Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you? What the actual fuck is going on? This has to be some sort of prank, right? Where are the cameras?"

"One question at a time, ooman. First of all, this is not a 'prank' as you call it and there are no cameras. Secondly, you are able to understand our language because you have had a translator chip implanted into your spinal cord."

"What do you mean? Why?"

"That shall be revealed now. You are aboard Elder Guan's flagship. He is one of our clan's elders. I am Skull. An Elite Hunter. The reason you are here is because I watched your fight with Dark Fang and before me, I see an ooman with the spirit of a hunter."

"I mean, I am one of the most elite soldiers on my planet. But that still doesn't explain why you abducted me!"

"Ooman, you show great potential. That is why I have arranged a meeting with the Matriarch of our clan, The Spearhead Clan. I wish to train you and educate you in the ways of the Hunt."

I raise my eyebrows and fold my arms. "The ways of the Hunt? The Matriarch?"

"Our species are hunters. It is our way of life. We hunt for sport and honor. And yes, the Matriarch, our ruler. So, are you willing to learn our ways?"

I sigh. On the one hand, I am curious. I was always a curious person. On the other hand, I was abducted by these things and there's a pretty good chance that I might never return home to my family or friends. If only there was a way of letting them know I'm okay. I slump down against a wall, looking down at my lap.

I sigh again, looking up at Skull. "I don't know. I mean, I'm curious about it but at the same time, how can I trust you not to kill me?"

"You have my word. I am an honorable hunter and it would be dishonorable of me to go against my word. Our honor is one of the most important parts of our culture and we have no room for the dishonorable"

After what I think is nearly fifteen minutes, I muster the best smile I can and look him in the eyes of his mask. I take a deep breath. "Okay. I'll give it a go."

I don't know how things are going to pan out but I might as well make the best of a bad situation, right?

"Excellent. We have approximately one earth week before we arrive on our home planet, Yautja Prime. In the meantime, I shall educate you on our culture, history and customs."

A week later

I sit shirtless in my cell. After a week of wearing the same shirt, it had begun to stink so I'd disposed of it in the corner of my cell. Man, I wish this cell had a shower.

I've learned a hell of a lot about the Yautja. Some things that stood out to me the most were that they live in a matriarchal society, care a lot about their traditions and the fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands of clans ranging from small ones with about a hundred members to The Spearhead Clan, the largest and most powerful Yautja clan with well over ten million members.

As I sit, deep in thought, the door to my cell opens and Skull walks inside. He walks over to me and stops dead in his tracks. His eyes travel to the scar above my right nipple.

Skull stares at the scar in complete shock and awe. "That mark, where did you get it?"

I look down to where the scar is. "Oh, that? No idea. I just woke up with it when i was six, soon after I began learning krav maga. Just to clarify, that's a human fighting style."

He just stands there staring at it. I think my scar might've broken him. "That is no ordinary scar, that is the Mark of Cetanu. You are one of his chosen."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me that this is actually a mark signifying that I have been chosen by the God of Death? Is that bad?"

"No, the opposite."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Skull goes on to tell me about the mark and it's significance. Apparently, there is only one Yautja with the mark at any given time and it is completely unheard of for a human to possess the mark. Skull tells me that those who bear the mark are chosen by Cetanu himself as his representative in the universe. The only thing stopping me from laughing is the the fact that not even our family doctor knows how I got it or what it was, meaning that it must be true.

We are interrupted by one of the Elder's guards informing us that we have reached Yautja Prime, the homeworld of the Yautja. Skull leaves the cell, for a few minutes leaving me with the guard who obviously thinks that my presence is an insult to its honor. A few minutes later, Skull returns holding my tactical top, plate carrier, helmet and utility belt. The rest of my gear however, was confiscated as it could apparently help me escape. I'm not too sure how, seeing as we're on an alien world.

I put my gear on and Skull restrains my hands, much to my chagrin. He explains that it is because I could easily be attacked if I'm not seen as a prisoner by other Yautja, young bloods and unbloodeds especially. I'm lead out of my cell and through the ship to a small drop ship. Joining me on the ride are Skull, Elder Guan, who it seems, can barely stand breathing the same air as me and his guards who stand motionless, either side of the Elder.

The ship lands and the pilot gets out of his seat. Elder Guan gets out of his seat and stands by the door, flanked by his guards. We stand up and wait behind him with two more guards standing behind us. Skull has chosen to put on his armor. When I ask why, he reminds me of our meeting with the Matriarch. Shit! How did I forget that? The pilot walks to a control panel and the ramp lowers to reveal Yautja Prime.

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