Chapter 8 - Training

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AN: Nearly 200 reads. Thank you! Here's Chapter 8 for you guys. Hope you enjoy.

Matt's POV

I spit out some blood, and wipe the sweat from my face. In front of me, Skull stands motionless in a fighting stance ready to attack again. I glare at him, raising my fists and getting into a fighting stance of my own.

"That the best you've got? Come at me!"

"You're persistent. I will give you that, ooman."

Skull dashes towards me, aiming a punch at my face. I duck under and try to counter with a kick to his back. I take too long because the next thing I know, I'm having my legs swept out from under me. I fall on my back, momentarily stunned by the force of the impact.

Skull looks down at me, obviously amused.


"To you? Never!"

I jump back to my feet and rush at him. This continues for a good while, him keeping me on the defensive due to his size and power. I keep fighting back because I need to prove to the clan that I deserve a place amongst them.

One thing I've noticed during the month and a half I've spent here is that I'm not exactly liked. Almost all the Yautja here save for a few, think that I'm nothing but another human who deserves to be hunted for sport. I want nothing more than to prove them wrong.

Our training session is interrupted by the arrival of a Royal Guard. Apparently the High Matriarch wants to know how my training is progressing. It has only been a few weeks since I've started but already Skull has told me that he's noticed an improvement in my technique.

Skull walks off to talk to the guard, giving me a much needed rest. I walk over to the door and pick up my water bottle sitting beside it. I pick it up and take a drink, feeling the refreshing liquid travel down my throat.

As I'm drinking I overhear snippets of Skull's conversation with the Royal Guard. It seems to mostly be positive and he seems to be happy that I'm learning quicker than he expected.

Although I'm tiny by Yautja standards, I'm able to use my small size to my advantage by being able to duck under a lot of the attacks thrown my way. It helps to be small as your opponent can often mistake you for being weak.

Skull comes back to me as the Royal Guard leaves the room. He collects his gear and motions for me to follow him. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I leave the room with him wondering where we are going.

We reach a room that I've never seen before. Skull opens the door and steps aside to let me enter. I look at him and nod as I step through the door into the dimly lit corridor.

Despite every one of my instincts screaming at me to turn back, I have no option but to continue walking thanks to the 8 foot tall Yautja hot on my heels. We reach a door at the far end of the corridor and Skull gestures for me to push it open.

I open the door to be greeted by a black Yautja with a red stripe running vertically down his head. I stop to determine whether or not he's a threat. Once I confirm that he's not, I cautiously approach him.

"So, this is the ooman you were referring to, Skull?"

"Yes, this is him. Did you do what I requested?"

"Yes, Elite Hunter. It was not easy but it is finished"

The two Yautja turn to look at me. I give the black and red Yautja a quick salute. He looks at me, confused until Skull explains that soldiers on earth use the gesture as a sign of respect. The other Yautja, who introduces himself as Stone, laughs and messily copies my salute before leading us to an adjoining room.

This room is better lit than the other, with most of the light focused on the center of the room. In the center of the room stands one of the coolest sets of armor I've seen. It resembles Yautja armor but unlike the armor worn by most Yautja, this set protects the whole body.

The helmet is unlike the typical yautja design, probably because it was made for a human to wear. There are no other humans on Yautja Prime as far as I'm aware, so this armor must be for me.

The armor is painted with a MultiCam pattern, an idea they probably got from the camo on my combat gear. I walk closer, admiring every detail from the ridges and indents to the words nracha-dte engraved on the right breastplate.

"What do you think ooman?" Skull says from beside me, causing me to jump.

"You gave me a fright, Skull. But wow, it's amazing. Who's is it?"

"It is yours, ooman. The Honorable High Matriarch believes that you require a set of awu'asa that sets you above other hunters. She has great confidence in you. That is why you must succeed in your Chiva"

"Oh. Sounds like a lot of pressure."

"It is. Cetanu's chosen has never failed a Chiva in the past. As the representative of Cetanu, they are the most elite hunters in our society. Only the matriarch is higher than them in social standing."

"What if I don't become blooded?"

"The only reason for you not to become blooded is if you die, something that I know will not happen."

I stand there, processing Skull's words before Stone grabs my attention. He tells that he wants to see how the armor fits me. I walk over to the stand and he helps me put it on, explaining how each piece is put on.

I can see my reflection in the polished walls of the room and I look awesome. Stone explains how the mask is retractable and shows me how to retract it. He also tells me that the armor is incredibly modular and has plenty of room to add upgrades.

I walk around the room a few times getting used to the feeling of wearing it. It is powered somehow so I don't need to use more energy to move than I would without the armor.

Stone helps me remove the armor, telling me that it will be delivered to my room on the other end of the palace. I thank him and leave with Skull to head back to the training room.

Man, I still can't believe this is happening.

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