Chapter 4

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Here we go, time for the very unwanted angst~

Btw I'm making this on my laptop instead of my phone so if it's different plz ignore it. Anyway let's begin.


Katsuki POV-


'no no no no no this can't be happening she can't be dead. She just can't, I swear ill kill her if she dies'

"KYOKA!" Dunce face shouted with tears in his eyes. Po-Momo was on the floor sobbing with Deku and I was just shocked I didn't move a muscle I refused to believe it. 'It's a lie It's a lie.'

I felt arms around my neck. It was Ejiro. That's when I noticed the tears falling down my face, but I didn't wipe them away... I let the fall after a few second I was sobbing quietly to myself but it seemed to alert my other classmates but I just ignored them, what was important now is making sure the my friend- no, my best friend is alive (A/N: ok so Katsuki, Izuku and Kyoka all grew up together in the same neighborhood and in middle school they met Denki and became best of friends, though Katsuki would never admit that). 

I stood up and ran to Mr. Aizawa.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!" silence...


"SHE'S DEAD KATSUKI!" he screamed at me.

"NO STOP LYING SHE'S NOT DEAD, SHE CAN'T BE I NEED HER!" at this point I was balling my eyes out I couldn't believe but deep down I knew it was true, she's dead.

I bolted out of the hospital and ran, I didn't know where I was going but i didn't care when I finally stopped running I looked up. I was here, the place Izuku and I met her, I remember her being so shy and alone, everyone wanted to be her friends because she was so talented and her parents were famous musicians, she pushed everyone away but let us in, she let me in, at first I was so mean and rude to her. 

I called her many names like crybaby and pipsqueak, but she stayed with me and I will be forever grateful for that because she unlocked a side of me I didn't Know I had. She was so thoughtful and brave. I remember a time I was being bullied by some high schoolers when I was 8 but she stood up for me and drove them away. 

"Heh..." I let out a little chuckle. She was an amazing person, she helped my get with Kirishima when I was struggling with my feelings, if I didn't have her I don't know where I would be. Probably kicked out of UA for misconduct.

I slowly made my way to the dorms. Where all my other classmates where, everyone was heartbroken even the pervy grape-head. I sat down next to her girlfriend, I outstretched my arms for a hug and she immediately jumped onto me. She sobbed onto my shoulder but I didn't care, after all she needed more comfort than me, I could never imagine how hurt she was, Kyoka was very special to her, she loved Kyoka with all her heart.

We'll make it through this.... together." I whispered in her ear and she slowly nodded.

"T-thank you B-bakugou..." she said in between sobs

"Of course." and I started crying as well, soon the whole class had joined in on the hug. We held onto each other in silence for our dear classmate/friend/and lover Kyoka Jirou.

The Next Day: Monday.

Momo POV-

I couldn't sleep.... How could I the love of my life is dead, The girl I wanted to marry is gone and I'll never see her again, I cried all night, girls had to come to my dorms at 2 am to comfort me, everyone was sad and empty, Midoriya stayed in his room at lot more, Mina looked helplessly upset and didn't  say a word, Bakugou was destroying everything in his dorm out of frustration and no one stopped him because they all knew the type of bond the shared. 

I felt like I didn't have a purpose anymore, I was in a dark place when my mother died and Kyoka helped me, she pulled me out of the depressing state I was in and gave me a new kind of love, the kind that lovers share, but now that she's gone I feel that pain again... but this time it's a lot worse, I had lost two beacons in my life, my mother and my partner, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

'It's your fault she died...' my demons.

'if you didn't exist she would still be here'

'you should just kill yourself'

'you are worth nothing in this world'

'kill yourself'

'kill yourself'

'No. Kyoka would want me to live on for her, she would want me to become the best person I can be, to become a pro hero, to start a family with another... but.... I will never love another person, no one except for her.' This battle I was having with my mind stopped as I entered my classroom.

I couldn't care less about how I looked, it didn't matter to me anymore. I slowly dragged my feet to class. I didn't make any eye contact with any way and made my way to my desk. As I pass my loved ones desk, I couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in my heart and a ball in my throat. I sat at my desk and put my head down not wanting to deal with anything at the moment.


Welp that's it for now.

Don't worry it get better... eventually.

~Obama's TV remote

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