Chapter 11

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Momo POV-

"Kyoka I think we should..." Should I really say it? What if she refuses? I turned to look at the smaller girl beside me. Her face was composed but you could see the anticipation in her eyes. I take a deep breath, alright here goes nothing...
"W-what do you think about..." just say it damn it "g-getting... married..." I shut my eyes tightly and feel the tears slowly building up at the corners of my eyes, why am I crying? Nothing has happened yet I already feel the pain of rejection.
"I-..." Kyoka broke the eerie silence.
"W-WAIT! D-don't answer yet I-..." I blurt out feeling the hot tears stroll down my face "Please don't pity me! You don't have to accept I just.... s-sorry" I hide my face in my hand silently cursing at myself for being ever so selfish.
I feel a small hand hold mine pulling them away from my face and what I saw was too difficult to put into words. She was beautiful, a small smile with caring eyes, the moonlight shown on her making her skin glow like a goddess, her eyes glistened with happiness and not a hint of disgust or anger. She leaned in and embraced me holding my tightly and close not saying a word, due to the state of shock I was in I was frozen in place unable to move.

"Oh Momo" she said quietly almost a whisper. "I love you so so much, I don't deserve you" she said holding me tighter than before, she let out a small chuckle "Of course I'll marry you, but you deserve better, so why... why me? I don't deserve you." Now it was my turn to speak.

"Shut up. Don't you dare talk down on yourself! You deserve the world I'm the one who doesn't deserve such a wonderful person like you, I feel so lucky to have you by my side. A few months ago I thought you were gone, I would've never known what to do with myself, but your strong and you pushed through to get to where you are today. Everyone in this class loves and adores you especially me so don't you DARE talk about yourself like that! You deserve the world and more!" By the time I finished my little speech Kyoka was crying but not out sadness but relief.
"Thank you, thank you for accepting my proposal Kyoka I love you so much" I held her tight and let her cry into my shirt. When she calmed down I took her to my bed and lay down holding onto her like she would disappear if I let go. Slowly I let myself shift from reality to the dream realm not letting go of my beloved.

I know it's short -_- should I end it here or make a chapter about them in the future?
Word count: 508

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