Chapter 9

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Adora in suit tho...Catra looks so good omg Adora's hair look 20000% better!!!

They look so goood FEWILEGFdwegwgrfudja

Ignore my fangirling and let's begin...


Kyoka POV-

I woke up feeling better than I ever have but something was missing. I sat up and felt something or someone hold onto my waist. I spun my head around to find Momo still asleep holding onto me for dear life, she was silently crying and murmuring something.

"N-no p-p-please N-no K-kyoka..." 'was she having a nightmare about.. me? What could've possibly happened? How-' My thoughts were interrupted when I heard very rapid breathing thanks to my quirk, I looked down to find Momo crying even more and her breathing was unstable.

"K-kyoka..." 'What the hell is going on?'

"Momo" I shook her shoulder trying to get her to wake up. Nothing...

"Momo you need to wake up" Still nothing

"Momo please you need to wake up" I started to panic and shook her harder. She shot up eyes wide with fear and harsh breathing. She turned to me and embraced me in a tight hug. She was clearly in some kind of pain so I hugged her back, I gently started stroking her hair, I remember that this is what I'd do to calm her down before. Her breathing finally stabilized and she rested her head on my shoulder which was now soaked with tears, but that was the least of my worries. After about a minute of comfortable silence I finally spoke up...

"What happened love" Suddenly I got that feeling that something was wrong again but I pushed it away because Momo was more important.

"I-I y-you..."

"Take a deep breath... I'm here for you" She took a deep breath and I heard her heart beat slow down.

"You d-died in m-my arms..." 'What..?'

"A-and I d-did nothing b-but just s-stand there... i-i felt s-so useless..." This had to be Kyoto's doing... His quirk is called 'Nightmare', If he looks someone directly in their eyes that person would experience their worst fears for 3 days.

I pulled away from the hug and looked directly at Momo, she looked away from me and was staring at the floor. I used my finger to hold her chin and make her face me but she just played with her fingers and stared at them.

"Momo look at me..." She slowly looked up and looked at me

"There's no need to cry, I'm right here... I told you I'll never leave you, and I promise I won't, and you aren't useless, your the smartest, kindest, and most beautiful person I know, so please don't cry..." It really hurt seeing her cry, I was like my heart was broken in millions of pieces and the only way to put it back was with her smile, her cheerful beautiful smile that brightened my day. She slightly nodded and put on a weak smile, I gently kissed her forehead and embraced her in a hug.

"Thank you Kyoka..." she said not more than a whisper and returned the hug.

Time skip to the afternoon;

Momo had finally calmed down and now her usual cheery self. We were in the common room with the rest of the class, everyone had their own little group, Momo and I were with the girls and Kat. I was sitting on Momo's lap using my phone not paying attention to their conversation.

"What do you think KJ?" Mina asked me, I looked up and found all of them staring at me and Kat had a grin on his face, Momo was hiding her face in my back. Since I wasn't paying I just went with

"I agree with Kats." Momo's heartbeat suddenly sped up.

"HA I TOLD YOU EXTRAS" Mina was pouting and I'm pretty sure Toru was too cause she said

"What?! I thought it was Momo!" Now I was even more confused. Momo somehow read my mind and said

"You don't know what they said do you?" She whispered to me so quiet that only I could hear. I slightly shook my head.

"They asked who was top and bottom. Bakugou said that you were bottom and that you like being cuffed..." 'Holy shit! what the fuck did I get myself into..!' at this point my face was red and I was hiding my face in my hands.

"...Anyway, so Jirou how about those cuffs?" Mina said wiggling her eyebrows. Now my face was a deep crimson red but luckily I was saved by Mr. Aizawa opening the door for himself and Eri to enter. Since everyone loved Eri, especially Kats for some reason, everyone's attention was turned to her but she hid behind Aizawa because she was still really shy around people, I let out a small giggle because she look so cute, not as cute as Momo of course, but still cute. She must've heard me because she poked her head out from Aizawa's legs, smiled and ran over to me. I got off Momo and bent down to her level as she stood in front of me.

"Hi Eri how are you?" I said with a bright smile

"I'm good, but I-I was really worried about you, Papa told me what happened and I was really scared. I thought you wouldn't remember me but I guess I was wrong, wait do you remember all of the time we went to the park? What about when- oh sorry I'm talking a lot" Eri rambled. Everyone shot Izuku a death glare and he just nervously giggled and hid his face. I turned back to Eri.

"Don't worry Eri I remember" She then hugged me and ran over to Kat

"Are we going to do it Mr. Bakugou?" She asked with wide eyes, everyone was confused and looked at each other to see if anyone would understand what she was talking about.

"Hell ya! Make sure you do a good job brat." Eri nodded and started to get comfortable with everyone.

3rd Person POV-

Uraraka made Eri and some of her others float and from then on laughs and giggles could be heard through out the campus. Before they knew it, it was already 10 'o'clock at night. So the whole class formed a huge cuddle pile with Eri and Jirou in the middle (excluding M*neta of course). They all drifted off to sleep one by one surrounded by pillows, blankets and a warm happy aura around them.

All except one, Momo...


A nice and simple chapter

Hope you like it

Word Count: 1118

~Damn I love She-ra

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