Chapter 4: Trade?

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Chapter 4

I stopped walking. I was starting to get nervous.... But then again... I remembered "they're just playing jokes with me"

I know I have to believe that its just a joke.... Because its the truth. But why am I nervous? Well ofcourse I would be, I mean... They wanted me to believe that I see supernatural things, and They just said that I would be killed.

Ugh. I should not mind it.

I headed outside the fields. The place was empty.... Which means.... I could finally be at peace.

I lay on the grass.... Some part of it was dry and yellowish and weeds are already growing.... With a school this big, they can pay gardeners... Their plants are nearly going to die.

What catches my eyes most.... Are the roses that are planted at the side of the building.... It was drying out and it begs for water...... How long does this place hasn't experienced rain? 5 weeks? Maybe a month?

I can sense someone coming.

I sat up straight to look at where I sense it and saw the same blonde girl

"I don't like waiting... Time is gold.... Give me back my belonging" she said in a stern voice.

Well now I have made my descision... I can't trust her, what if there's some kind of a spell at that knife that whenever she kills someone with it. That person's soul might turn into her slave.... I know it sounds ridiculous but.... My imagination won't stop about it. But I'll just believe on it.... For me to.... Feel like I'm in the right side

I stood up and said. "Look.... Uhh..."


"Look... Astrid, I can't believe I'm saying this but.... I won't give it to you" I mentally cursed myself for saying that... Its just the dumbest thing I have said in my entire life

She raised an eyebrow. Just raised an eyebrow.

I glanced away, avoiding to look at her murderous eyes.

My eyes widen as I noticed the roses that I know was supposed to be dying, alive and the color red almost as red as blood.... Which was supposed to be turning brown.

"H-how did that happen??!!" I pointed at it

She turned around to look... But she just rolled her eyes and groaned

"That doesn't matter to me! Why won't you return it to me? I own it. And its my belonging! You must've stole it from me!!" She yelled high pitched

"I didn't stole it from you!! I didn't stole anything from you!!"

"Lies!! Then why won't you return it??"

"Because I don't trust you! You might..."

"I might what?! Kill you?"

I nodded.... I felt cold... Although I'm sweating alot

She then started laughing hysterically.

I just gave her a confused look

"Ohhh...kay....okay.... Enough already... Give it back"

"I told you! I won't! I'm sorry!! I'm just following my instincts!!!" I raised my hands up

"Instincts?? Well.. That instincts of you stinks!!! You don't know who I'am! Or what kind of people I kill!! Now give it back to me... Or else.... You leave me no choice...." Her hand went to her back, pulling out a dagger.

I knew this would happen!!

I quickly thought for an alibi

"If you kill me, you'll never find that golden knife.... Ever again!!"

With that... She dropped the dagger.

She looks like she's thinking.....

Oh ofcourse she is! She has a brain stupid!!

A smile formed on her lips "what about... Considering a trade, hiccup" my eyes widen hearing my name.... How does she know my name?


"You will give me back my knife, and I will tell you everything about your past life.... Sounds interesting huh? But you'll find it more interesting because...." She started walking circling at me

What does she mean? Past life? I don't believe in re-incarnation! This girl must be crazy!

"Past life?!"

".....because..... It has something to do with your present life"

"S-seriously?? Stop playing with me! Whatever!! I'll not accept that trade! Who knows, maybe you'll just say different crap things about me!"

"You don't know anything yet. Not even a single one"

I do know about something..... And that is..... She kills people

Roses are Red (hiccstrid)(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now