Chapter Two

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*Atlas in the media*

                      Coriane's Pov

Beep! Beep! Beep

Ugh! Stupid alarm clock. I roll over and slam my hand down onto the damn thing. I groan as I get out of bed and walk over to my closet to pick out an outfit. I put on a red plaid skirt with a long sleeved black turtleneck. Then put on some knee high black heeled boots. I put on some mascara and lipgloss then let my curly hair down. I wink at myself in the mirror, I know haha. I grab my bag and phone then head downstairs.

I find my mom in the kitchen doing some dishes. Like I mentioned I'm a half breeds so my mom is a human. She smiles brightly at me.

"Hey sweetie. How'd you sleep?" She asks. I smile back a take a piece of toast from the table.

"Good. Much better without knowing I'll be sold to a crusty asino (ass) vampire." I reply. My mom frowns.

"You don't that yet bambina (baby)." She tells me.
I roll my eyes and mutter in italian. I hear a car honk which means that Atlas is here. I kiss my mom on the cheek and run out the door. Atlas is parked with her red Bugatti. One of her many talents is spending her father's money, since after all he is a council member for the royal vampire family. She waves at me through the window.

"Whattup girl." She says taking a sip of her blood. Not human tho. I know what y'all were thinking. We drink animal blood.

"Nothin much, just digging around in old textbooks." I say. She starts to drive the speaks.

"Still researching about your royal father?" I nod.

"All I know is that he his a high vampire from the Ramano line. And my mom refuses to tell me the rest." I explain. Atlas smirks evily.

" You know you could always compell her to tell you." She suggests. I shake my head.

" No. She's my mother. I can't do that to her. Besides, maybe when she's ready she'll tell me."

"I doubt it amore (love) but ok." Neither one of us speaks again until we park in the school student lot. We get out and just when I couldn't get more annoyed the Queen bitch walks our way.

Of course she is a Moroi and she thinks she is all high and mighty but really she isn't. She's always giving Atlas a hard time about being friends with a human. Only if she knew. I can't use my powers cause that will give me away so I only glare at her. Evangeline is from a family called House Tyros. They are second to the royal house. All she talks about is hoping she is the mate to the vampire king. The Vampire King is a cold hearted vampire who never leaves his stupid palace.

"What do you want Evangeline?" I ask in annoyance. She bares her fangs at me.

"No one asked you to speak human. Stay in your place."
Her two friends behind her snicker. I would love to cut her sliver hair right of her stupid face. I can't stand her. Atlas growls.

"Back off." She snarls. I seen Atlas angry a few times so I'm used to it. Evangeline looks at her in disgust.

"Shut it whore." She says. Now it's my turn to play dirty.

"Says the one who slept with the whole school." I reply. Evangeline's eyes turn crimson red and she lets out a growl. She lunges for me but I duck just in time. As I mentioned,  Dhampirs were considered protecters cause of our battle skills. She comes back at me and claws me on the face. I try not to let my monster out but she's about to kill this she devil. I ignore my monster and kick my leg out in a sweep motion, knocking her off her feet. She tries to get up but I step on her chest to pin her down.

"Next time, think about what you are doing." I say to her. Atlas grabs my arm. I look at her confused then she motions to the crowd of people around us. They are all shocked. Vampire and human. I get off Evangeline just in time for the headmaster to walk towards us. And if you are thinking it, yes he's a vampire.

"Coriane, Evangeline. My office. NOW!" He commands. We follow silently.

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