{2} Time To Slice And Dice

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This story is dedicated to Mollie, You've waited for this for long enough

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This story is dedicated to Mollie, You've waited for this for long enough.

Dean kicks off his scuffed-up boots, flopping back on to the old dusty motel couch. Stretching out to get comfy, throwing his legs over Liam's as he lies back.

"Dude, why?" Liam coughs out, clearly unamused attempting to push his legs out of his lap. A chuckle escapes Dean's soft lips, as he lifts his head up to look at Liam.


"You know wha-", Liam doesn't get time to finish that sentence, as dean scrambled to sit up proper upon seeing John.

"Remember the rules boys." John huffs, walking straight past the both of them, clearly heading to the door.

"Sir, yes, Sir." Dean mutters rolling his eyes, while Liam just nods.

John turns to face dean seemingly unconvinced, "what are they?" he questions, as the room falls into an uncomfortable silence. Dean stumbles with his words clearly unprepared for john to actually question him on the subject, "uh... salt the doors and windows, don't leave the motel, make sure Liam has his asthma pump and no smoking around Liam." He looks at Liam, as the room fall's silent once again. The look in dean's gorgeous green eyes is almost begging him to continue for him.

So, Liam take in a breath before filling the silence, "Keep a weapon on you at all times, no friends or girlfriends are allowed over," A smug smirk appears across Liam's lips as he glances at dean, "And No horror movies." Dean sinks further in his seat hearing the last rule, He really wanted to watch All saint's day 4.

There's a soft chuckle as Anthony walks out of the bathroom, "Come on now, that horror movie rule is a bit outdated, they've seen worse than a bit of fake blood." he said with a grin and managed to ruffle his son's soft black hair as he walks past, even though Liam had attempted to duck away. John shoots him a glare, grabbing his duffle bag off the floor.

"Fine, watch whatever you want. It was you're stupid old rule anyway." John grumbles. Practically marching out of the door. As Anthony turns to the boy's pointing over in the direction john had stomped off in "What crawled up his ass and died?"

They both shrug, "I dunno but good luck Dad"

"Good luck Anthony" dean says with a slight smirk.

"I need it," rubbing his face he heads to the door before john can come back and complain. "we'll be back tomorrow, tomorrow night at latest. Order yourselves some pizza or something, the moneys on the counter. Bye boys." Anthony says as he pulls the door, leaving both boys in total silence.


"Oh, come on! All Saints Day 4: Hatchet Man Lives is my favourite." He says, snatching up the tv remote before Liam gets the chance. He flicks through the channels looking for Shocker Tv, "look if you get scared, you can hide under the blanket." Dean jokes, as his best friend gets up in a pout.

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