{1.2} Letters to Liam -alternate end

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————————————————————Small Disclaimer/TWThis chapter does involve blood, a sorta graphic description of a room and a snippet of strong language , so be prepared!————————————————————

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Small Disclaimer/TW
This chapter does involve blood, a sorta graphic description of a room and a snippet of strong language , so be prepared!

To Liam-

"That doesn't sound right." Dean huff's as he scribbles it out and gets a fresh piece of paper.

Dear Liam,

I know that at the moment we aren't on good terms, and you are well... mad at me and you have every right to be. However, I've been thinking a lot recently, about the argument and you.

The pen stops moving momentarily. Perhaps he should just start agai- NO no! He's committed to this one now. He rubs his face softly letting out a soft sigh as he continues.

- About how I was the one in the wrong, but you just took every word and punch I threw.

Why didn't you fight back?

I have wondered that for a very long time. At first I thought you were being a coward, turns out I was always the coward. I couldn't face the truth. My best friend had never betrayed me, YOU never betrayed me.

Dean puts his pen down..

Why is this so hard? why can't he get his words out? there's so much he wants to apologies for, he may need more paper, perhaps he should get some mo- Well now he's just procrastinating.

He picks up the pen again, Knowing this needs to get this finished, he doesn't want Sam to catch him writing this, he'll never hear the end of it.

So quickly Dean carries on....

I was just too much of an idiot at the time to see that truth, it was staring me in the face the entire time. The truth being that... You were never looking at her, all the time's I caught your glances. They were never at Rebecca, you were looking at me. I was just too dumb to realise. You'd never sleep with Rebecca, god you hated her.

I still ask myself from time to time why I believed her, all she ever said was lies. In fact you had warned me of that many times, but I failed to listen because I was blinded by her looks. Not that it got me anywhere.

Dean holds his breath a little, to stop the tears he can already feel forming in his eyes.

I never thought I'd be telling you this buddy, but you deserve to know about how much my heart broke seeing you backing away from me. And how I will always remember the look pain and betrayal in your eyes as you held back a sob and cradled your arm, Or how I will forever remember the way your breath staggered as you ran off. Not to mention how cruelly I laughed when you tripped.

"Damn it" Dean muttered quietly under his breath, Seeing his tears hit the paper as he writes.

There's nothing more I want right now, than to go back and believe what you were trying to tell me and to listen to what you had to say for once in our goddamn lives.

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