{3} Detention For Two

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"Today class we will be learning about

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"Today class we will be learning about..."

Mr Gretchen's droning voice announces to the class; however, all Dean Winchester could hear was ...Blah Blah Blah, His eyes wander from the dusty old chalkboard in which todays Shakespearean quote has been scribbled across. He could really care less. His eyes land on the clock and he internally groans seeing that only 10 minutes have passed since class has started.

He watches the ticking clock, every minute that passes feels like hour. God, he wishes he could go home. A yawn escaping his lips as he stretches his arms out. Which catches Gretchen's or as dean loved to call him, gremlins attention. "Am I boring you Mr Winchester?"

Dean looks at Mr Gretchen, raising his eyebrow as he does so. "I didn't say anything." He replies dryly, leaning further back into his chair. A small smirk already appearing across his face as he kicks his legs up on to the back of the empty chair in front of him... the chair that should not be empty. "You didn't have too." Gretchen replies, glaring at the teenager sat in front of him. "I suggest that you remove your feet of that chair Mr Winchester, before you find yourself in an after-school detention." Dean does so with a huff, not wanting to end up in detention tonight, as its movie night with Liam and they like to get a bunch of snacks after school, He never misses that.

Wait Liam? Where is Liam? Dean's eyes drift to the empty desk in front of him. Liam's desk. That is strange, he saw Liam this morning in the corridors.

"Speaking of the Desk in front of you, where is Mr Turner today? Winchester." Gretchen questions, before dean can answer, the classroom door swings open. Causing Gremlin hilariously to jump out of his skin. Dean stifles a laugh as his eyes drift over to the door, his laugh however slowly fades away and smile quickly drops. As he sees Liam in the doorway

Dean has never seen Liam like this before, his hair is scruffy and falling into his eyes, skin paler than a porcelain doll with the darkest circles under his eyes. Liam practically stumbled in through the classroom door clearly out of breath and in pain. As Dean rose out of his seat to help his friend, Mr Gretchen shot him an icy glare, "Sit. Down. Mr Winchester, unless you'd like to end up in detention like your friend Mr turner here who is 15 minutes late for this lesson." His voice suddenly cuts across the room.

Liam looked at Mr Gretchen, his eyes wide and glassy, "I'm... I'm-" He's cut off suddenly by Gretchen "I'm sure whatever excuse you have must have been very important," The sarcastic tone in his voice is really grating on dean's nerves "sit down turner, although you've missed enough of this lesson that I really don't see the point."

Liam hangs his head ashamed, walking past his snickering classmates. Heading to his desk conveniently in front of dean. He slumps down into the seat, and keeps his gaze solely focused on the floor as he wipes away his tears. Dean leans over, gently tapping his best friends shoulder whispering softly "Hey, Liam what happened" concern laced his voice, but Liam doesn't answer.

Gremlin rolls his eyes turning back to the chalk board, writing down the next piece of quite frankly useless information, Instructing the class to write it all down, but only gives them a minute to do so.

When dean looks at Liam, His heads down as he shakily scribbling away at the crumpled piece of paper in front of him. Dean taps Liam's shoulder again. "Li are you-" dean isn't given chance to finish his sentence. "Mr Winchester, if you continue to talk during this lesson, you'll end up with two after school detentions let alone one." Gremlin says as he crosses his arms firmly across his chest, glaring daggers at him. Dean huffs keeping his head down, he must talk to Liam somehow, something clearly wrong and he needs to know what has happened.

He stares down at his desk, fiddling with the piece of paper out in front of him, suddenly getting an idea. Dean grabs his pen, scribbling something down onto a small is piece of paper. He folds it quickly, before leaning over and gently pulling on the sleeve of Liam's oversized hoodie and sliding the note into his hand.

Liam takes it, his hand trembling ever so slightly as he secretly opens the note and reads it.

'Are you okay?'

Liam scribbles down a short answer and passes the note back before Gretchen even turns around. They have done this many times before. Dean takes the note back quickly, opening as soon as it is handed to him.

'I don't feel well, the nurse wouldn't send me home.'

He sighs softly looking at the back of Liam's very fluffy curly hair, which looks as if it is beginning to stick to the back of his neck. Dean rests on his desk gently, tugging on Liam's sleeve again. Liam glances over his shoulder and is greeted by deans now gentle smile as he offers his hand for him to hold in hopes it will bring him some comfort. Liam seems hesitant at first, scanning dean's eyes as if this is an elaborate prank and glances around the room for any watchful eyes. But they fall back to Dean's, he mouths 'it's okay' softly, still with his hand outstretched to Liam.

Liam slides his hand into Deans, who smooths the back off it gently with his thumb. Liam turns his head back to face the front and back to Gretchen and relaxing his shoulders.

They stayed like that throughout the class, eventually Liam rested his head on the desk. Dean could tell he was falling asleep but decided to let him. He needs it. Its not as if this were Liam's favourite lesson anyway.



Hey, it's been a while! Y'all are gonna think I'm bullshitting you but it's been a crazy few months and I've been in a crazy deep depression. But I'm back, probs not for long tho lmao. Anyway sorry this is short, I sorta run out of motivation. It was meant to much longer, there's more in the works tho guys!

(Also also also, Lowkey working on an original story called fragile hearts, which will hopefully be a comic)

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