Chapter 8 - SOS

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1 month later:
It's been 1 month since everything bad thing happened. After I forgave the Shelbys nothing else bad happened. Although I have been getting notes and letter from my old kidnappers. They have found out where I am and where I am staying. I have decided not to tell anyone just to keep it to myself.

"Saturn there is mail downstairs for you" Polly shouted for me. My heart sunk because I knew who it was from. I was terrified that Polly was going to open it and read it

"Okay thank you just coming" straight after I said that I bolted downstairs grabbed the letter and ran back to my room. I also stay with the shelbys the now because my house is under construction. Anyway once I got to my room I closed and locked the door. I tore the letter open and it said:

Dear Saturn

We hope you don't miss us sending you letters to much because we are going to stop. But don't think that we are stopping to be nice oh no honey we are stopping because we are coming to get you. Just say your last goodbyes to your dear friends because we will be there in 3 hours time

Your sincerely
B. Gavin

My heart sunk I knew exactly why they were coming to get me again. They wanted to finish their job and kill me. I instantly felt anger build up in me all at once. So I found the nearest shot glass and through it at the wall then ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I knew I had to get away from every one because if I didn't then they would probably end up dead before me.

"Saturn" I heard Polly say. I turn to look and I saw Polly and Tommy standing at the door frame with a worried look in their eyes. "What happened? Are you okay?"

I felt my knees give in on me. But before I fell to the floor Tommy ran up and caught me. The tears that I was holding back finally gave in and started streaming down my cheeks. For the first time in a month I was terrified. I was scared that if I didn't get out of here then the people I care about would be dead.

"Hey, Hey Saturn look at me" Tommy soon spoke while lifting my chin to look into his eyes. His eyes were a nice light ocean blue colour. I would admit that his eyes were gorgeous you would be able to get lost in them in just a second. "What's wrong?" I wanted to tell them I did but I was afraid to so I just looked at the letter. Soon after Tommy followed my gaze and saw the letter lying on the floor. He looked at Polly and moastioned for her to pick it up.

She walked over to the letter being careful not to step on the broken glass that I threw earlier. She picked up the letter and started reading it. Tommy and I watched as her mouth opened in shock and then she looked at me with worry in her eyes. She soon handed the letter to Tommy not breaking the gaze she had on me.

Tommy started to read it while Polly was stilling looking at me.

"Saturn" Tommy soon spoke up making me break the stare that Polly and I had. "What does it mean by stop sending you letters?" Tommy asked as he looked into my emarld green eyes. I just looked at the floor not wanting to say anything but I know Tommy to that as a answer that it has been happening for awhile. "How long Saturn" he spoke in a calm voice.

"1 month" and with that Tommy's mouth flew open from surprise. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys I was scared and I didn't know what to do or what to say" I looked up at Polly and she had tears in her eyes I imedeantly felt really guilty for lying to them.

"Why didn't you tell us" Polly said with a hint a sadness in her voice.

"Well because you guys would want to get involved and help most likely to go kill the guy then you guys would get Lilly leaving me in pain and i would never forgive myself there for i would have to come pay you guys a little visit upstairs" i blurted out really fast.

Tommy then let go of me and walked out of the room nots long after him polly followed. Before she left my room she turned to make and just looked at me and shook her head. I was then left by myself in my thoughts.

*Time Skip*
It has been a couple of hours since the whole tommy and polly incident. After they left my room i cleaned up the glass so there for i had a couple of scratches on my hands.

I was now in the house on my own. Arthur and John were out taking care of some business and polly and tommy were at the Garrison.

I was deep in my thought until i hard a front door practically break down. I looked up from the living room floor and saw no other than Ben Gavin.

"Well well well Saturn long time no see eh?"

"Go away ben i dont want you anywhere near me or my friends" i told him in hopes that he would go away but oh how daft i was. He was her to finish a job he never got to finish. Kill me. How fun.

"Oh come on darling dont be like that" i cringed at that name he gave me. I just sat there looking at him in the eye hoping he would leave. " answer me" i still didnt speak nor break the eye contact not only till i felt my head snap to the right. I put my hand on my cheek to only resize that i had been slapped. I felt blood triple down my cheek guessing that with the force and his ring there was a small yet deep cut in my face.

"What a dick you are. You haven't changed a bit have you? You are still the most abusive yet stupid person i have ever meet." I could tell he was getting anger. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his gun and put it to my head.

"Not so smart mouth now eh? I think i want to wait for your little friends to get back so they can see this bullet go right through your head." Not even 2 minuets later Polly and Tommy walked through the hole that was once the front door. "Ah speak of the devils and they shall appear eh?" Ben said pushing the gun more into the side of my head.

Tommy and Polly stopped in their tracks and stood wides eyed at the sight that was now in front of them.

"Run now" i told them it the didnt listen.

"Now Saturn that's no way to treat these lovely people. You have come just in time for the show"

"Put the gun down" tommy spoke up motioning his hands to the gun and waving it down to signal for him to lower the gun. Only then did ben pull the trigger ammunition to get ready to pull the trigger.

"You see tommy boy i cant do that not just yet we must see a lovely bullet go through this bitches head first." All of a sudden Arthur and john walked through the hole in the wall.

"What the fuck is going on?" Arthur said before noticing the gun to my head. They stood there nit sure what to do then Arthur stated to walk closer to me only to be stopped by tommy.

Ben finger was getting closer and closer to the trigger to get ready to press on it. "Do you all want a count down" everyone just stood in silence "no okay"

Ben pulled the trigger but before it could go into my head Tommy ran forward to move the gun away from my head causing it to shot my chest. Tommy and Arthur then tackled ben to the ground. Beating him up by every minute until he was unconscious.

Polly ran up to me and put pressure on the gun wound. "Shit Saturn stay with me. Tommy go get a fucking towel now"

I could feel myself going in and out of conscious. My breathing started to slow down and I felt like all the air in my lungs are getting squeezed out of me.

"Saturn keep your eyes open. Tommy she barely breathing.

That is the last thing i remember before it all went black.

Hi guys so sorry i haven't really updated but i have been super busy with everything. I'm afraid that the chapter might be slow updates and i am soo sorry for that all tho my next part is going to be a shout page so if you want a shout just comment. But yea. Thanks for reading loves.

R.I.P Helen McCrory🕊💔

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