Chapter 27

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Sorry haven't updated this story.  Dont know if people are still going to read this story. 

The next day he had his procedure. Jay was there as Harry was put to sleep and then kissed his forehead as he left the room. Jay waited in the room for Harry to be taken back in. She was going to stay there all day too, knowing Harry would wake up drowsy, scared, confused; and knowing he would need comfort. She laid on the sofa placed in the room and waited.

The drs did the colonoscopy and endoscopy and took some biopsies while they did this procedure.


Anne was anxious at her parents, knowing harry was having a procedure. She hadn't told Gemna about it. Her mum comforted her and told her it was one step to get the boy home. Anne nodded but couldn't calm down. The fact of not being at the hospital at that moment, was driving her crazy. The only thing she could do was hope for everything to go good and wait for answers from the hospital.


It was around two hours later that Jay was told harry had the procedure and she could go with the nurse to the recovery room. Harry was just starting to come round. "Shhh it's ok Harry I'm here" she said as she comforted the boy. Harry whimpered. She comforted harry. They were shortly taken back to the ward. Jay laid next to Harry as she comforted him, cuddling him and rubbing his back. Soon, Harry went back to sleep in the comfort of Jay's arms. She didn't know what else to do. So, she just stayed there, watching him sleep.

Jay rang Troy to say he had the procedures and that she would keep him updated. The nurses kept checking on Harry and did his vitals as he slept.. Jay cuddled Harry as he peacefully slept. She waited for the anesthetic to wear off Harry's body with help of his sleep. He woke up a while later still under the anaesthetic but Jay got the boy to sip some water. Harry sipped a little amount of water, afraid of throwing it up and laid back down, again. He was very cuddly and Jay wasn't bothered about it at all. She wondered if Harry's doctor was going to show up with information about the procedures.

The dr had got in touch with the social worker and had arranged for the social worker and Anne to come up the next day. He was sad that Anne had been accused of making her son ill. They didn't have everything confirmed as they had to wait for the biopsy results but he had a good idea his suspicions had been confirmed.

Once that was arranged he went to inform Jay that he will go over the results the next day when Anne and the social worker come in. Jay nodded at him "Ok. Thank you". She just hoped for it not to be a bad result and for it to be something easy to treat and recover from. She really wanted for this little family to be reunited soon.

Jay messaged Troy with what the dr told her. Harry later woke up and tried a slice of toast only managing half a slice. Jay smiled at him, not pushing him to eat more than he could manage. She waited for the toast to settle in and not to come back out, before giving Harry some water. Even when he was being hydrated by fluids through a drip. She then put some cartoons on her phone for the boy as Harry cuddled into her. The nurse came to check on Harry again. "He is doing good. He only managed half a slice of toast and a few sips of water. I haven't pushed him to eat or drink more. I didn't want to risk him vomiting." Jay told the nurse as Harry was still distracted with the cartoons and her cuddles.

"That's ok, has he managed to keep it down so far" the nurse asked. Jay nodded. The nurse then checked Harry's vitals. Jay cuddled Harry closer and kissed his forehead, in order to keep him distracted from the nurse checking his vitals. Harry looked up for a bit from Jay's phone to smile at her, then he went back to watching the cartoons as the nurse finished her job on him. Jay smiled at the nurse and the nurse left the room.

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