Chapter 3

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Anne sighed tiredly before going and making herself a cup of tea, drinking it before she brought herself to check on Harry.

About ten minutes later Anne made her way to Harry's bedroom, sighing in relief that he is still asleep...However sighed for as she got nearer to Harry's bed where the boy laid snoring slightly, Anne could smell that he had messed his nappy. Anne carefully changed Harry's nappy and applied cream after cleaning him before gently putting a fresh nappy on, Harry only whining somewhat.

Harry luckily stayed asleep during the whole process thank god. On closer inspection Anne could see that Harry had puked in his sleep, but only a little bit though so nothing to fret about. Anne wiped his face with a wet wipe and made sure that her curly haired baby is wrapped all warm and had his comfort items before leaving again, she had some time to kill until Desmond and Gemma are home.

Anne got herself doing plenty of housework, tidying every room...well by every room she meant every room apart from Harry's of course. With Anne being woken up every day of the week apart from weekends at 6:45am and to be at work at work 8:30 till 4:30pm, she of course didn't have time to clean the house up, well I guess that's what weekends are for, but Anne's weekends are meant to be her days off to chill, I guess though the house ain't gonna clean itself and it's not like Des would be up to housework as per usual...after all your talking about the person who sent his son to school sick! not to mention the person who force fed his son his breakfast when the boy is clearly not well!

Anne had just finished cleaning the kitchen and decided to go check on Harry who is still asleep, Anne also decided to check his nappy while she was there...which is just wet so she carefully changed it not wanting her baby boy to get a rash.

Going back downstairs Anne came up with a sensible thought to phone her sister, who lives locally and is still on maternity leave from work with her youngest. Anne spoke to her sister explaining what had happened with Harry, how sick he's gotten and asked her sister to get some supplies. Her sister Samantha had apologized over the phone as her middle child Haley age five had come home from School the day before with a stomach bug, they had all spent most of the weekend together.

"Oh Sam it's not your fault you weren't to know that it could have passed on that quick. I am concerned though for you had to see the state of him at school, oh he's so sick. Have any of the other two caught the sickly bug at all?" Questioned Anne. "Not yet thank God" Sam replied back a bit dramatic but that's how she is.

"Well Harry does have a knack on picking up illnesses, it doesn't help that his immune system isn't strong but I Guess he was born with that, no need to worry though as everything will be fine" Anne chuckled stopping when she heard Harry's whimpers from upstairs. "Sam, sorry I've got to go. Harry has woken up and is crying, duty calls sis" The sisters said there farewells and put down the phones.

Anne made her way upstairs to find Harry awake and covered in vomit. Anne frowned sadly. "Oh baby boy, shh it's okay mummy's here" Anne cooed walking over to her sick child. Anne picked Harry up and carried him to the bathroom to clean him up and to have a wipe down.


In the bathroom Anne sat Harry down on the bathroom rug and started running the water only to stop when a tug on her shirt sleeve stopped her. "Yes sweetie?" Anne questioned turning around to be met by a sickly squirmy Harry. "I nee'ta poo" Harry replied back rubbing at his tired eyes.

Anne picked Harry up as quick as she could, pleased he could tell her that he needed to go...but the poor boy had already gone and it had slightly leaked out his nappy. Anne sighed quickly taking it off and sitting Harry on the toilet to finish up, his bottom getting sore in the process.


Sam got her baby boy Josh ready to go out to get the supplies including getting Haley ready who is on the mend but kept her off school just in case, better safe than sorry eh? Sam got into her four by four and headed for the shops, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Haley kept coughing on the way to their destination, but other than that her symptoms are clearing up pretty quickly whereas Harry's are getting worse. "Right hold the pushchair bar Haley so I don't loose you, we need to buy some things for Aunty Anne. It seems your cousin isn't doing too well and Aunty Anne is unable to go shopping, that and Uncle Des is still at work" Sam listed off as she pushed the pram with a sleeping Josh inside.

Sam grabbed a few packs of nappies in a size seven, also grabbing some rash cream before heading to the medicine isle and grabbing some fever reducer and children's Calpol plus some medicine to help with the diarrhea and blackcurrant flavor diarllyte to help Harry from getting dehydrated.


Meanwhile Harry had been on the toilet for about an hour going one way or the other, just when Anne thinks he is finished the cycle starts up again. Harry soon fell asleep on the toilet so Anne cleaned the boy up the best she could before putting a fresh nappy on him along with cream for his sore bottom.

Anne collected a pair of clean pajamas promising to herself that she will give the boy a bath later. Anne carried Harry up to her bed as his bed had vomit all over it obviously which poor Anne needed to clean up. She grabbed the bucket and placed it by Harry before waking Harry up so he could get some fluids in his system before letting her sick baby boy sleep again.


Sam had everything that Anne would possibly need, after paying Sam headed back to the car buckled Josh and Haley in after putting the shopping into the boot. With things all set Sam put the car into gear and headed for her sisters house.


Anne kept looking out of her front room window, she got a text off of Sam saying that they are two minutes away so keep a look out. Other than hopefully having another pair of hands with Harry and making sure she had dinner ready for when Des and Gemma came home in less than an hour, Anne is more looking forward to seeing her Nephew for it's been a while....well that's if they can drop by for an hour or so.

Sam arrived at her sister's house...however both of her two children had fallen asleep in the car and she didn't want to wake them up for they can be a right grouch when woken up, especially when Haley is still getting over her sick bug.

Sam rang the doorbell and Anne opened it with a smile like she always does. They exchanged their hellos leaving Sam to apologize for not being able to stop and help out as she has two sleeping kids in the car and she had to get doing dinner to.

Anne didn't mind one bit, mothers duties are needed twenty four hours a day and seven days a week.

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