Chapter 6

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Alana texted her husband to meet them at the police station and explain everything there. As they were in the police car Anne had started to feel unwell again as the adrenaline feeling left leaving her feeling like a sick dog, She was all hot and bothered. Harry back at the station was throwing up in a bucket, sobbing for he misses his Mummy. Gemma also wasn't feeling 100% either, thanks to Des's reckless driving her fever had spiked up again. At Sam's house, she was unaware of the situation but had her own sick children to look after. This sickness bug seemed to be going around everywhere though little Harry seemed not to be able to shake it off as much as the others could, his fever kept coming and going and the vomiting stops and starts when pleases.

In the police car, not far from the station Anne tugged on her mum's top who was on the phone. Anne was too scared to speak in case she puked everywhere. Alana asked politely for a carrier bag as Anne was still unwell herself, the officer passed one over having one hand on the wheel. They also opened the police car windows to let some air in which Anne found blitz-ful. Anne put her hand to her mouth trying to the inevitable happening.....but it eventually had to happen. The sick woman brought the plastic bag under her chin, gagging first before puke filled the plastic bag, Alana rubbing her daughters back. "We will be at the station as soon as we can, you can have a cup of water and refreshments when we get back" the male officer commented as he shared a look with Alana in the review mirror. "Thank you Officer" Alana replied back with a warm smile.

Anne soon filled that carrier bag with vomit, Alana hadn't realized so the vomit went over Anne. Alana looked over and quickly changed the carrier bag before the mess became too much to handle. Once Anne started vomiting she couldn't stop, gasping for breaths in-between hurls. At the station Harry was crying for his mum and making himself even more sick. Gemma seemed alright for most ware, she was more protective of her younger brother than anything right now, screw herself her baby brother is more important. "Hey little brother, you need to calm down now please.

Come on, come to your big sis" Harry wiped away the snot and puke from around his mouth with his clothes sleeve. "Tut tut we don't do that do we, we use tissues don't we?" Gemma stated getting a tissue from her packet out of her pocket. Harry wiggled around as he didn't like getting his face wiped. "Almost done little bro, there all clean. Now come give me a Harry hug" Harry sat on Gemma's lap, Gemma wrapping her arms around her younger brother and started rocking side to side, so often rubbing the boys back or stroking her brothers cheek with a single finger to get the boy to calm down. It worked however for the next thing she knew, Harry is asleep on her lap snoring rattling icky snotty snores.

Gemma stared at her brothers fevered face feeling sorry for him, he kept getting worse then feel fine again only to get all fevered again. Gemma snapped her head up when the doors to the station burst open revealing her sickly looking Mother. "Oh babies! Are you alright? Did he hurt any of you? Oh come here" Anne went in for a hug as her babies looked uninjured. "Mum your squashing Harry" Anne looked down to see her baby boy asleep, eyebrows knitted together. "Hey baby boy, it's alright Mummy is here now and she is gonna fix you up" Anne kissed the boys head and took him into her own arms, Harry instantly snuggling into his mothers touch.

Anne gasped at how hot Harry was. ,She was also running a slight fever too so she could imagine how hot Harry was. Alana hugged her granddaughter and told her she was safe along with Harry and Gemma. Dave had arrived at the police station though very confused when he saw his wife, daughter and two grandchildren he immediately rushed over to them. A few police officers tried to stop him however, but with a little talk and understanding from both Dave's and Anne's part, Dave was allowed passed. "Dad!" Anne shouted audible enough for her dad to hear.

The police nodded and let Dave through. Dave rushed over kissing his wife before asking what happened for all he knew he was at a police station but why? Anne motioned for her mum to say something as Anne doesn't want to say it all. Dave gasped as he heard the whole story and therefore he couldn't believe his supposed Son in law did this. He was fuming, well fuming is an understatement. "Sir how do we get an injunction done so he can't come anywhere near us and I hope the idiot goes to prison for this" Dave wanted to use stronger language but not in front of his grand kids even if Harry is asleep, better safe than sorry right?

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