No Coincidences

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Book one: Part two

Grace stared at Lucas. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact this boy in her dreams or made up memories was standing right in front of her. Was this a prank being carried out by the universe or just a coincidence? No, it couldn't be because Grace didn't believe in those.

"Hey did I lose you?" asked Lucas.
Grace refocused. "Lucas, right? I'll remember that."
"I hope ya' do...?"
"Grace. My name's Grace."
Lucas smiled and bowed. "Alright, well, I'm sure I'll see you around, Grace. Let me know if I can be of any service.
"Will do."

And as quickly as Lucas appeared, he was gone again. Grace's face was red hot, but she withheld any visible feeling during that exchange. She didn't want to appear weak or affected by his presence in any way. Grace did not think it wise to confess to Lucas that she knew him from a dream she had been having for months about the life they'd lived as close friends.

"He would think I'm losing it." she thought.

So, she nodded at Rex and made her way back home. Grace didn't trust people and always assumed she was being watched or followed. She never took the same route to get back home. For a time, she did, but after a few scuffles and near misses, she wised up.

This day was no different. The closer she got to where she lived, the more slowly and quietly she moved. When she got three buildings away, she climbed to the roof. She lept from rooftop to rooftop, pausing to assure she wasn't followed. When she reached the top of her building, she slid through an entrance she had cut open and hidden under some old parts.

"Made it in one piece," she muttered.

Grace was dropping her stuff by the window and about to get a drink of water before bed. She plopped on the bed and replayed the events of the day.

"Wonder if that lady is okay. She didn't look good at all, and I hope she has those kids close to her at all times."

She took a small sip of water.

"Lucas... So are the dreams real? What does that even mean?"

Grace sighed and put one hand on her forehead. A headache was beginning to settle in.

"Need to wash off the day."

She walks over to the part of her room where she washes up. The bathroom hasn't worked in years. As she takes off her favorite jacket and tosses it across the room, she almost gasps when she takes stock of how scarred up her body is. Here were scars extending from her midsection to her back and down her arms. She remembered every single one.

There was one that stood out more than most, though, and you had to get real close to see it. It was a small nick on her neck, below her ear. She could remember it all, the time of day, how frightened she was, the cold metal on her neck juxtaposed with the hot breath on her face. Then she remembered the voice.

"You will never forget this-"

There was a slight commotion above, and then a lifeless body fell from the roof into Grace's room. Grace whipped around and prepared for a fight. She grabbed the nearest object, which was a brick in this case. Another person came in shortly after, but this person was alive.

He looked at Grace with a grin. "Told ya' I'd see you around."

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