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"Beatrix, come here for a second." Beatrix was disturbed from her task to get everything ready for the gun practice later that day by none other than Lori.

"Yeah, " She said with a smile. "What can I help with."

"Shane found Carl with a gun," Lori told Beatrix with her hands in her pockets. Her face was stern as she stared at the girl. "And he lied about it, to get it."

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?" The smile on Beatrix's face was starting to lose its shine.

"I think you put him up to this," she said straight up. "And I think you gave him the idea."

"Mom, " Carl tried to reason with her.

"Why would I do that?" Beatrix spoke with a straight face, completely ignoring the boy.

"I don't know. You tell me." Lori said. "You're a Dixon, aren't you?"

"No, my name is Beatrix fucking Bennet." Beatrix still had on a straight face.  "I'm the half-sister of Daryl and Merle. Get it right." She rolled her eyes at her. "I would never tell a kid to steal something and lie about it." She moved closer to Lori. "And I think it's saying a lot about you if your only fucking argument is the fact that I am related to the Dixons."

Lori had nothing to add to this. "Next time you need somebody to teach your little boy. Ask somebody else."

With that, she walked away, back to completing her chores leaving the other adults in shock.

———————— ✭ ————————

They were on a bare field in the middle of the woods for target practice. Both Carl and Rowan were there to practice their shooting as well.

"Good work. Don't be discouraged. You'll hit the target eventually." Shane was the one leading everyone.

Beatrix was trying her best but she couldn't get the hang of it quite yet. She felt happier using her bat or a machete.

Winston was doing much better than Beatrix. He barely missed and felt comfortable with the gun in his hand.

"Don't worry, Bennet." he smiled at the girl. "When I first started I wasn't that good either."

"Cocky much?" She laughed at him.

———————— ✭ ————————

Everybody was sitting around in a circle, laughing and talking.

"So–, " Glenn spoke, making every set of eyes turn to him. "The barn is full of walkers." He dropped the bomb.

At once everybody stopped eating. It was dead silent.

They decided to figure it out by moving the conversation closer to said barn.

"This is a smart idea," Beatrix muttered to herself while looking anxiously at the barn doors.

"You cannot tell me you're alright with this?" Shane asked Rick.

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