●When they're jealous

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       ^I ship Soniakane so yeah idgaf if you dont but rhis fanrat was way too cute😍😍🤞🤞🤞
     Also wtf j had a break from school these past few days i had so much time to write so why didn't I
Btw fun fact:
Im probably ganna do a book lime this first v3
But when I finish it-
Maybe like 2 more weeks and I'll be done? ( Im on chapter 4 btw 🤨)

Ok now book

Lmao i said book

Les go

- Too scared to tell you if she gets jealous
-Sgw thinks you'll hate her
- No Mikan :(
- Gets sorta clingy after that and usually just holds your hand

- Shw doesn't really get jealous
- But when she does
- Oh boy
- Just walks over to you and is like
- "My gorgeous Y/N give your girl a kiss!!!"
- The person she's jealous of will probably get sorta confused
- I can't blame them tho-

- Holyshit
- Dont make her jealous pls
- Its bad for the whole universe
- She gest hella pissed
- Holds your hand hugs you misees you no fukc the bithx gon take your clothes off and fuck you just to rub the fact she's your in their face
- Wtf Hiyoko
-And if she didn't peel said person's skin kfd she gets extremely clingy to the point where it's sorta annoying-
- Calm down bestie 😰😰😰😰

- She's a calm person
- Will keep quiet infront the person
- But wtll you after that
- You tell her ofc she is the one and only you will always love
- So now she's fine :)
- Good Mahiru

● Peko
- My fav part id the day Peko
- She doesn't get jealous much-
- But when she does she never tells you
- Genuinely scared what you will think  if she's jealous of one of your friends
- So just keeps quiet
- Peko no :(

● Sonia
- She's chill :)
- Hardly ever jealous
-But when she is she just holds your hand
- Maybe even kisses you on the cheek or something
- Like I said she hardly ever gets jealous so its not a big problem for her

- Surprisingly she gwst jealous easily
- When ever you're qirh friends she holds your hand the whole time
- Makes sure everyone knows who you belong  to :)
- Clingy lmao

- she gets jealous easily
- She tugs your arm to get your attention
- "Hey Y/N?"
- Rests her head on your shoulder
- Or just holds hand
- But onside she is actually really jealous

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