Fun With Alexa

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Author's Note: Thank you to annewheelerfab1 for letting me use Pumpkin again in this story. Anyway you should really check out her stories especially her Adventures of Pumpkin book it's really good and she has some stories that include Little Mal so if you wanted to see more of Little Mal you can check those out as well. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you thought.

"Otay Pumpkin, this is my room! Look it's all purple! I love it!" The small girl exclaimed excitedly as she showed the puppy her room while the adults were talking in the living room or from what Mal could hear more like yelling, but Mal didn't want to get involved because the yelling scared her. Pumpkin just looked around as she had to admit she liked the room.

Pumpkin's eyes widened when she saw the mini round black speaker thingy that she had seen in Lola and Jenny's old apartment. "You have one of those weird speaker things," Pumpkin barked out as she motioned to the Alexa making the young girl laugh as she nodded,

"You mean Alexa!" Mal screamed out, making Alexa go off causing Pumpkin to back up while the four year old just giggled. "Hehe Pumpkin you're silly! Alexa is the bestest! She does everything! Watch! Alexa play baby shark!" Mal hollered out to Alexa.

"Playing Baby Shark by Pinkfong from Amazon music," the Alexa called out in her robotic voice as she started playing the Baby Shark song, making Mal get excited as she started singing and dancing to the song excitedly because it was her favorite song.

Pumpkin just smiled as she watched the happy little girl that was having the time of her life singing and dancing along to Baby Shark. She wasn't a huge fan of this Alexa thing, but she had to admit she was enjoying seeing how happy and excited the small girl was over it.

"Ooh and watch this! Alexa drop in on the living room!" The small girl screamed out causing Alexa to go off again. "Dropping in on the living room," the Alexa said in its robotic voice again as a green light appeared on the Alexa and they could hear the fighting through the speaker.

"WHY DO YOU BLAME ME ALL THE TIME!" Mal and Pumpkin heard through the speakers. "BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS YOUR FAULT!" Evie screamed out. "I TOLD YOU I WASN'T THE ONE BABYSITTING! I JUST GOT HOME! AND WHY ARE WE NOT TALKING ABOUT HOW YOU AND KING BOY MADE OUT!" Lola screamed back. "We didn't make out. It wasn't like that. Mal was trying to get us to kiss with this paper mistletoe and we just gave into her that's all," Evie told Lola who just nodded not believing her sister for even a second.

"Okay but like did you like it," Lola asked Evie, trying to change the subject and distract Evie from yelling at her more for something she didn't even do. "I don't know I mean I guess, but Lola I just broke up with my boyfriend. I just don't think I'm ready for another relationship yet," Evie told Lola as she forgot all about why she was mad at her as they both just started talking about relationships.

"Why are we listening to this," Pumpkin asked Mal who just put her finger to her mouth. "Shh they can hear us! And cause I wanna know what they're saying. I wanna hear grown up talk," the small girl told the puppy who was about to say something else when Tessa and Georgie came back out causing Evie and Lola to stop their conversation as they just started laughing seeing Tessa dressed up in her silly disguise.

"Oh my gosh Tessa what are you wearing!" Lola and Evie both explained at the same time making Georgie and Tessa hold back their laughs. "Who's Tessa? I'm Bella Snow it's a pleasure to meet you all," Tessa told the others in her fake british accent making Evie and Lola laugh as they knew it was Tessa, but they still found it hilarious.

"Well hello there Bella," Lola told Tessa in her own fake British accent playing along with Tessa causing Evie to join in as well as they all three started talking to each other in fake british accents all using their own made up names as well.

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