A Promise Is A Promise

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    "Mal it's okay. Shh it's okay. You're okay," April told the young girl as she held her close to her and rubbed the preschoolers back in comfort. "I no wanna go to the doctor! NO DOCTOR! NO DOCTOR! NO DOCTOR! I NO WANNA!" Mal screamed out hysterically as the tears continued to fall down her tiny face that was starting to turn red from all the screaming.

April just closed her eyes as she held back her own tears then opened her eyes again. "Mal I know trust me I hate this too, but the doctor is just going to make sure that you're okay. I promise I won't let them hurt you," April told her niece in her best calm voice as she was still furious on the inside and absolutely hating this, but right now Mal needed calm and comfort.

"I'm scared," Mal told April as she started crying more and just clung to her. April just nodded again as she pulled Mal close to her and just ran her fingers through Mal's hair.

"I know Mal but it's okay I'm gonna be right there I won't let anyone hurt you and I won't leave your side," April told the small girl as she tried her best to not sound like she wanted to break down.

"Pomise?" Mal asked April as she held up her pinky, making April smile a little as she nodded and connected her pinky with Mal's. "I promise Mal I won't leave your side and I won't let them hurt you," April told the small girl who nodded as she just hugged onto her.

April just closed her eyes again and took a deep breath as she just grabbed her phone and started calling Mal's pediatrician. April couldn't believe she was actually having to do this right now.

Once April finished making an appointment she just picked Mal up and began to buckle her into her car seat. "Mal everything is going to be okay don't worry. Now come on let's go and then afterwards we can go do whatever you wanna do," April told Mal as she tried her best to sound confident and in control when in reality April had no clue what she was doing.

April was really wishing that Evie was here right now because she knew that Evie would know exactly what to do to help her baby but at the same time April was glad that Evie wasn't here right now. Evie had been struggling a lot ever since they had found out what that monster was doing and Evie had dumped him.

Evie was blaming herself right now for everything that happened even though it wasn't her fault. They had warned her that Doug wasn't a good guy but at the same time none of them had known what he was really like towards Mal. He was manipulative and good at hiding it.

Never in a million years did any of them think that he was actually capable of something like this. Mal

just cried more as she looked up at April. "Pomise?" The small girl asked April who just put on a fake smile as she nodded. "Yeah I promise," April told Mal who just slowly nodded as she let April finish buckling her in.

*A little later*

"Alright well she seems pretty healthy," the doctor told April who nodded. "So is everything okay then?" April asked as she continued to try and stay as grounded as possible. April wanted nothing more than to make Doug pay for this, but she knew that right now Mal needed her to stay grounded and here for her.

"Everything seems to be good so far however we should probably just take a quick look to be sure," the doctor told April who slowly nodded as she looked over at Mal who was just playing with her dragon oblivious to the conversation going on.

Mal stopped though when she looked over and saw that the doctor was getting close to her again as she started crying and backing away in fear. "Mal it's okay. I know it's scary but she's not going to hurt you. If she hurts you she'll have to deal with me," April told Mal as she grabbed her hand.

"I'm scared," Mal told April as she squeezed April's hand. "I know but it's okay. I'm here," April told Mal as she continued to try and keep Mal calm to allow the doctor to do her job. Mal just nodded a little bit as she just continued to grab onto April's hand.

"So she'll be okay?" April asked the doctor once the doctor had finished up with Mal's exam. "She should be fine, yes. She'll probably be a little sore for a while but there's nothing too bad," the doctor told April who just slowly nodded as she tried her best to stay calm even though she could feel her anger starting to grow.

"Auntie April?" Mal cried out as she reached for her. "It's okay I'm here. You did so good. I'm so proud of you," April told Mal in her gentle voice as she just picked her up and held her close. "She's right you did amazing. You were so brave and for being a brave big girl look what you get," the doctor told Mal as she handed Mal a dragon sticker.

Mal just smiled a little as she looked over. "A dragon!" Mal exclaimed excitedly, making both the doctor and April laugh as the doctor nodded. "That's right it's a dragon. Oh and look what else I have," the doctor playfully told the small girl as she pulled out a strawberry flavored lollipop. "A lollipop!" Mal cried out excitedly as she reached for it.

"Not just a lollipop but a strawberry flavored one. I heard that's your favorite," the doctor told Mal who giggled as she nodded. "Yeah I love strawberries. They the best," Mal told the doctor as she just opened up her lollipop.

"So I've heard," the doctor playfully told Mal who smiled as she just put the lollipop in her mouth. "Okay now a promise is a promise so Mal what do you want to do now?" April asked Mal as she buckled her back in after checking out at the doctors.

Mal just smiled a little as she took out her lollipop and looked over at April. "Hm let me think," Mal exclaimed as she tried to think of something she wanted now that she had the power to. April just watched the small girl as she could already tell she was probably going to regret this.

Author's Note: Hey everyone I know it's been a really long time, but I'm back again. It's finally summer for me and I'm planning to post a lot more again now that it's summer again. Anyway this is a bit of a shorter one but I promise the next updates should be longer. I just wanted to get a new chapter posted as it's been a really long time since I last updated this story and I want to get back to it. I hope you enjoyed and please let me know what you thought or what you think would be a good idea for something that Mal can tell April she wants. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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