chapter one; pt 2

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a not very fun, fun fact: Bartol was diagnosed with asperger's when he was 8 and anxiety when he was 12, Daisy was diagnosed with OCD when she was 15, Tayler was diagnosed with mood swings and depression both when she was 15 and Nick was diagnosed with depression when he was 16 aka last year

February 21st 2020


"Hurry up were gonna be late because of you!" - Daisy yelled at Nora across the room

"Ugh it's not my fault"

"you were the one to arrive like 30 min too late!"

And the yelling back and forth continued for a little bit. Nora and Daisy have their final meeting today where they are going ti find out if they can open the bakery.

the meeting was at 4:15 and they arrived at 4:10. They were very nervous but excited in the same time. This meeting could change soo much it was soo important.

Everything was going great....


There was a silent sound coming from somewhere in the middle of the meeting, it was Nora's phone. She got a bad feeling so she excused herself and took the call

the caller ID revealed it was Bartol

"Hi babe, what's going on are you ok? I'm at the meeting"

but the voice she hears next isn't her boyfriend, it's his neighbor, a lovely old lady who sometimes brings him lunch

"please help, he's having an asperger's seizour, I'm trying everything you thought me but it's not helping"

shit, what to do now

"uhhhhh yes ok I'm coming ill be there in 15 try to get him to sleep" with that she hang up

"I'm so sorry I have to get home it's an emergency can you continue without me?"

Daisy kinda figured what's going on and she understood but that could really screw up the whole bakery thing

"yes I guess we'll figure a way to do this without you, but I hope it's as important as you state or this would be very irresponsible" - the guy leading the meeting, Mark, said

"it is, I promise" and with tgat line she left

she managed to get there in 10 minutes what was record time, she took Bartol into her arms and gently swung him back and forth, eventually he fell asleep. She stood there for a couple more minutes holding his tired body before putting him on his bed and tucking him in

"I'm so sorry to disturb you like that,  he said not to call you and I guess its because you were at that meeting I see now, but I didn't know what else to do, I hope it's ok" - the neighbor said

"it's ok Beth I told you already you can call me for this whenever, I just hope Daisy is doing well all by herself" - she stopped to look at her watch- "oh it's already 5:27 the meeting ended just a few minutes ago! I have to call her, excuse me for just a minute "

"no its ok, im gonna go back to my flat, I only came to drop of lunch anyways" - she said with a kind smile - "goodbye"

Nora waved before putting her phone up to her ear

"Hey I'm so sorry" - Nora said worriedly - "did it all go well"

"yes we got it!!! we are opening on Tuesday" - Daisy sais from the other line

They talked for a while but Nora was so relieved it went well. She got into bed with Bartol and soon fell asleep. They woke up almost 3 hours later so it was now around 8:30pm. 

Bartol woke up first and got up to fix his hair. He put on a black hoodie and sweats. When he got back to the bedroom Nora was already awake. He wanted to take this opportunity to talk to her couse he felt like they didn't talk enough lately.... 

"hey love, how are you" - he started

"I'm fine, more importantly how are you?"

"To be honest I don't know" - he wanted to be honest, but honesty hurt, he didn't want her to hurt, but he also didn't want to hurt alone - "I'm not the best"

"Tell me everything, what's happening?" - she saw in his eyes that he isn't fine

"Well you know I haven't been well since my  dad died, I didn't like him but he was still my dad" - it was hard to say this but it felt nice to finally let it out - "then everything went down hill, I started having a lot of panic attacks and now i had a seizure too" 

"Oh babe I hope you know I'm always here for you, I don't care if you think that you're annoying me with all that I really care. I want to hear this"

"there's more... I'll just show you..." 

He stood up and rolled his sleeve up reveling his scars,  fresh scars. It was visible some of them were recent, a part of his hand was wrapped in bandages so they are maybe even from yesterday. Every new second she watched his hands her own hurt more and more. Its like se could feel the razor going trough her skin at the places he had scars. She hated it, she new it wasn't her fault, but it felt like it was. It felt like she could have stopped it. She slowly reached her hand out to hold his. She pulled it closer to her mouth and gently kissed his scars. 

"I love you" - he said as he rolled his sleeve back down 

"I love you too" - she stopped for a second - "and thank you" - she contined - "thank you for opening up, I'll always be here, I promise"

"I'll be here too, forever and always"

"forever and always"

February 25th 2020


"C'mon Daisy do the honors"

"I can't believe we finally did it"

She walked out and put the sign "OPEN" on the door. It was official. Anyone can come in and buy something from the "Piece of cake🌻" bakery. The inside was decorated to give a homey feeling. It had a beige couch, a few tables with vintage chairs, pictures on the walls and plants hanging from the ceiling.

they ended their shift around 8:40pm, and of course they had breaks during the day. there was actually a lot of people who came in and they found a girl who can work with the, their first employee. her name is Diana and she comes from Doncaster, just like tayler.

it was a long day so they dicated not to stay out and just go home, Nora was happy with that decision because she couldn't wait to see bartol. she went to his house and they fell asleep holding each other once again.


word count: 1135

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