Chapter two; pt 1

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March 3rd


"Hurry up for gods sake why are you always late to everything" - Daisy screamed to Mike across the room

"We literally have like 30 minutes until we have to leave calm down"

"Oh but you don't care if I'm late" - Nick sais as he enters the room upstairs in his pajamas, eating breakfast

"Ar-are those pajamas" - Daisy said in disbelief - "I'm gonna go crazy. We are gonna be so late cmon hurry up"

Mike and Nick both burst to laughter, Nick thought it was funny while Mike laughed from adorablenes.

They ended up being the first to show up in an alley about 15 minutes from Bartols house. They ranted a mini van perfect for the road trip. Tayler was next to arrive and then Nora and Bartol, Sarah and lastly Robert. Maria couldn't go couse she was hanging out with her boyfriend.

"Cmon everyone get in" - bartol shouted lazily

so the trip started

Sarah slept most of the time, tayler listened to music and pretended to sleep, Mike and Daisy talked to each other the entire trip and everyone else just kinda chiled and did what everyone does on road trips. about 9 hours later they finally arrived.

"were here!!!" - bartol and Nora shouted at the same time

"hey wake upp" - tayler said to Sarah and watched her wake up

"let's get to the hotel" - Sarah said

they got out of the van with their suitcases and dragged them to the hotel. Mike, Daisy and Nick were in one room, Nora and Bartol in the second one and Sarah, Tayler and Robin stayed in the third one.

room 1 pov

"gosh we're finally here" - Nick said - "what's the sleeping arrangement, there's only two beds?"

"me and Daisy in one bed and your lonely and in the other" - Mike said in his sassy tone

"sure" - Nick replied and Daisy stayed silent

Nick though it was strange how Daisy didn't complain but he let it pass

room 2 pov

"ugh I can't wait to get to the beach" - Nora said

"don't you want to rest for a minute" - bartol said while already laying on the bed

"no, and get your shoes of before jumping on the bad"

"fineeee "

room 3 pov

"so what are we gonna do first" - Sarah said as she's the only one with energy because she was the only one that actually slept

"um maybe to the beach" - tayler said because maybe the water will wake them up

"yeah we could but let's go get everyone first" - Robin said

"yeah let's go but put your bathing suits in first" - said tayler

and after about 15 minutes they exited the room

room 2 pov

"Bartol open the door" - Nora shouted from the bathroom

bartol got up and opened the door

"what?" - he asked when he saw it was Tayler, Sarah and Robin

"put your bathing suit on and get infront of the hotel you have 15 minutes" - Sarah said in a rush before shutting the door and walking away

so bartol was left in front of the door without time to complain, he didn't have any other option but tell Nora and go to the beach

room 1 pov

"someone open the door I'm I'm tired" - Daisy shouted

Mike got up and opened the door

"heyy what do you want" - he said at the sight of his 3 friends

"put on your bathing suits and get your asses in front of the hotel, you have 15 minutes" - tayker said and shut the door

so 15 minutes later everyone was infront of the hotel in their bathing suits mostly with oversidez shirts over or something and beach towels

"ah its so pretty here" - Nora said

and they spent their day in the beach

they stayed at the trip about 3 days. it was mostly going to the beach or shopping during the day and going out on walkes at night

it was now March 7th and they were going back to London. a few things have changed now, Mike and Daisy are now, after 7 months of secretly dating, kissing in the back seat of the mini van. knowing they're together definitely cleared some things for everyone.

March 11th

And it all falls apart

Maybe it's the cold, rainy weather that's putting everyone in a bad mood, maybe it's something else but everyone is tired, everyone is sad...

after the road trip nora and bartol had a big fight so now nora was staying with tayler couse nick moved in with sarah now so shes the only one who lives alone

they fought because of something stupid actually... it was a couple of things that have been building up over the past few week. in reality they really needed to talk everything out, but they needed to have some time apart first...

March 19th

it's now been a week since their fight... they decided to meet up and talk. so Nora was on her way right now

she stopped for a minute after arriving at his door before knocking. she built up some carriage and came in when he answered the door

"hi" - bartol said nervously

Nora observed for a moment... his place was a mess since she left. it was a hot day and he was wearing a hoodie which confused her, then she remembered his scars... she figured he was trying to hide them. on the table was a bouquet of dead sunflowers... probably the same ones from his birthday.

"hi" - she responded

they sat down ant talked it out... turns out there was really nothing to be mad about... they spent the night together and the next day Nora already moved back in. love really is enough for them...


word count: 959

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