Tom takes the test

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"Bloody hell im so nervous i dont know what i'll do" Tom Felton said in a nervous panic.

He's been having symptoms of pregnancy lately and at the worst time nonetheless.

He just got in a fight with his beloved. HE was pretty upset, they're kind of on a break now. It's a lot to get into so let's just say it was a messy... break up? Was it even technically a break up? it's confusing now let's leave it at that.

*More importantly what would HE do if it's positive* Tom thinks with a trouble expression. He had taken a pregnancy test and he was waiting on the results.

"BEEP BEEP" The timer Tom had set rings out repeatedly. The pregnancy test should have the results by now. Tom runs to the bathroom where he left the test.

"Oh no, i'm to scared to look" Tom says while standing over the pregnancy test with his eyes squeezed tight. He sighs and prepares himself to look down. Whether he sees a plus sign or a minus sign could possibly change his life forever. He can't run away from his problems anymore ... like he's used to doing. It's time, time to face reality, time to own up to everything and except the consequences, time to get to the point and stop saying time. "No more running away" sighed Tom in great shame.

Authors notes [not part of the story] :
Hellooo btw this is my first time writing a story on here anyways that's it for the first character I hope you guys are enjoying it also please follow my TikTok: @loversofthedeadtime
Byeeeee!! 💕

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