That Night

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Tom looks down at the pregnancy test "i-it's positive" he says anxiously looking down at the stick that he had peed upon

Tom took two more just to be certain but they both came back positive, which absolutely terrified him but now he knew it was true he, Thomas Andrew Felton w-was... PREGNANT!!

"how could this be" he wondered

"we used protection every time" tom sighed

then he realize... that one night weeks ago he had gotten drunk at a party and- well you know were this is going , he cheated on his beloved ex bae, Edward Cullens 

that night was such a blur he barely remembers who he cheated with he tries to piece together that night he remembers somethings like, the touch of the man who he cheated with, his glassy emerald green eyes, and h-his pale blue skin?

"Blue" Tom thought

"blue skin b-but how or better question who?!"

could it be that handsome strangers child in Tom's womb, he feared it might be

instead of having a beautiful baby with golden eyes like Edwards he might have one with blue skin and a ginormous forehead like the handsome man he hooked up with but he tried to have some hope, it could still be Edwards

Couldn't it..?

"maybe  there were some holes in the condoms or s-something" said Tom to himself

he had to find Edward and tell him the truth about everything about the baby about man with a giant forehead he loved Edward and Edward needs to know the truth!

but would Edward still love him if he told him everything? does Edward even love him now,after all they are separated
these thoughts of doubt ran through Tom's head

"i don't want to lose Edward for good" Tommo thought

but being honest with him was the right thing to do and Tom knew that but he was still hesitant

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