Telling The Painful Truth..

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(Bella's Pov)

As the light shined through the room I couldn't help but squint from it. When I went to bed last night I couldn't help but dream about how the outcome of the truth would play out. There was 2 different scenarios. The first was where everyone would hate me and Emmett would reject me as his mate, or there was the more pleasant one where no one cared as long as Renesmee was healthy and safe, which she was. I'm really hoping the second option would be right because I heard the rejection of a mate was more painful then death itself, even before the fire. I wouldn't be able to live with all the guilt and the rejection of my mate. I decided instead of facing them right away I would go hunt for the morning and hopefully I've prepared myself mentally enough. It wasn't until I heard footsteps coming towards the room and smelled vanilla and chocolate which I figured out was Emmett. I was sat on the bed when he slowly walked into the room.

"Everything ok love?" he asked my nervously. I nodded and gave him a small smile. He walked from the door and sat beside me "come on Bella, we both know something is bothering you, remember jasper can feel emotions." he reassured me. I sighed and decided to just tell them first to get it out of the way. "can you get everyone to meet in the living room?" I asked him. "Sure" He was out in a second. I decided to walk human speed and seen everyone in the livingroom waiting with suspense.

I stayed standing and took a deep unneeded breath and decided to start "I haven't been completely honest with you all, 5000 years ago when me and Edward were dating, I decided one night I wanted to complete the bond, but little did I know I wasn't exactly his mate. So after we did the deed, I didn't know I became pregnant from that night until 4 weeks later. I told Edward when you all decided to leave forks hoping the baby would make him stay but he still left. Right then I knew I wasn't his mate, I sat in my room what felt like forever unable to eat, unable to drink or even live my life day to day. Finally one day, I decided I would go to Italy, and ask for death but they had so much respect for me and the baby that they decided once I gave birth I would be changed as my daughter was the first hybrid of her kind that we know of. I want you guys to know that even though me and Emmett are mated that I had a baby with Edward." I had finished and looked around first person I looked at was Emmett to see he was hurt by what I said but accepted it anyways. Edward on the other hand tried to deny it as I didn't have my daughter with me. "No this can't be? where is she if she's our daughter? why isn't she with you?" He spat at me. "Ummm I don't think you can just talk to me in that tone as I'm the mother and wanted her to stay far away from her deadbeat dad." I spat back. Edward didn't like anything I just said and tried to attack me but before he could get close Emmett pushed him away from me and got into the defensive crouch in front of me. I smirked and all Edward did was turn and walk away.

After that bit of family drama I decided to tell Renesmee that they know and she can come if she wanted to. I grabbed my phone and seen a text from an unknown number.

*Unknown Number*

"So I hear you have a daughter? Well it would be a shame if anything were to happen to her now? Don't try and call this number back because I'm gonna change it. Have fun trying to figure out who I am Isabella"

Complete fear had filled my body and I dialed Renesmee's number right away and thankfully she answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet bell like voice. "Hey my girl how are you?" I asked "I'm ok, Is everything ok with you? You sound worried" she asked me questionly. "I chuckled "yes I'm fine just a little bit of drama had occurred recently with your fathers family, mainly your father. Pretty sure he was ready to rip my head off." I heard her laugh "mom really? did your mate stop him though?" She was definitely my daughter "If he didn't I wouldn't be talking to you now would I?" she started laughing "I guess not" I heard footsteps behind me "Sorry ness I gotta go I'll call you in a bit" I told her before hanging up. "Ness?" Emmett questioned "Yeah that's her nickname Caius gave her when she was 5 months old" I chuckled "So I take it she was on the other end of the phone?" Raising an eyebrow "Yeah that was her" Suddenly I forgot to tell her that she could come visit me if she wanted to so I decided to write a quick text to her.

Text Message

Hey Ness, since they know you can come visit me but if you do make sure you bring Alec and Dmitri can't risk you getting hurt or anything, besides they know where the Cullen's live

After I pressed send and put my phone in my pocket I started walking towards the forest when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I looked to see Edward "what do you want mind-reader?" I sneered at him "is it really true? I have a daughter" he asked "you knew I was pregnant but still decided to leave for I don't know what for, Of course it's true you idiot" I scowled at him. He had a look of misery realizing he could've had a family of his own but after all these years he had abandoned us for 5000 years. Now I have my mate and the daughter I'll always protect no matter what comes in my way. "can I meet her?" He asked me with hope in his voice. "I'll leave that up to her, she's way over the age to make her own decision." I told him as I turned on my heels and went to go hunt for the evening.


(Edward's Pov)

As she ran into the forest I assume to go hunt, I couldn't help but wonder what my daughter looked like. I missed her life because I got scared and didn't know what to do at the time. It was so sudden and I knew from the start bella wasn't my mate I just didn't know how to tell her. The fact the Volturi got to watch her grow into an adult broke my heart. I never knew she would keep the baby better yet turn into one of us. She was always obsessed with vampires and shapeshifters, Jake was her best friend and she doesn't even know what happened to him while she was gone. One day he had found me while he was rouge and beat me up because bella had ran away from home. His first thought was to blame me for her leaving. I get why he would think that, I broke her heart and left her alone. Jake was never heard from again because after our encounter he was bitten by a rouge vampire and his body reacted badly to the venom, Carlisle tried desperately to save him but it was too late. The venom had already spread and stopped his heart, but shortly after he had died his eyes opened but they weren't the red we expected for a newborn but they were a darkish blue. That's when we knew Jake wasn't the same Jake we knew and for the first time we feared for our own lives for we didn't know what exactly happened to Jake. He's been gone since then and never returned, we even tried looking for him on our own hoping we can mend our relationship. Carlisle has been reading Myth after myth trying to figure out what happened to Jacob.

"Bella" I called after her and tried running after her "Edward leave it" Emmett had stopped me before I could even move. "It's best if we tell her all together about Jake, She would want answers, and as far as I'm concerned we don't have any." He looked at me with concern. I nodded at him and ran back to the house to help Carlisle find an answer.


(Renesmee's P.o.v)

"So my mom finally told my dad's family this I was real, and he tried to rip her head off but her mate had saved her just in time" I was telling my uncles what my mom told me and they of course got protective "she's still alive so don't worry uncles, she also said If i wanted to go visit I could.." I looked from the corner of my eye to see what they would do but they all had a stone look "but under any circumstances that I do not go alone that I take Dmitri and Alec" they all let go of the unneeded breath. "well that's splendid that your mother is always thinking of your safety" uncle Aro had said finally. "when would you like to go?" he asked me. I started to think "can I go tomorrow? I'll call when I land and when I make it to my mom to ease your minds" I finished and waited for an answer.

"than it shall be settled your plane will leave tomorrow at 11?" marcus aksed me. "that's fine uncle marcus. I should go get packed now" I slowly walked out the throne room and back to my room. I grabbed my phone and sent my mom a quick text letting her know I was leaving to seattle tomorrow.

I wonder how my new family will react once they see me?.........


This isn't as long as the other chapters but here's an update! Hope you all enjoy it! Make sure vote and comment what you think will happen next!

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