Preparing for the worst..

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(Rosalie's POV)

Now that Bella knows about Jake the wretched dog who I despise but surprisingly miss his snarky comments about being a bloodsucker as he calls us. After what happened to Jake we all felt guilty because we never told Bella after it happened hoping it would eventually disappear like everything eventually did.

We all stood around thinking of a plan when Carlisle came back from his phone call "Aro said him Marcus and Caius are coming to aid us with the main guard as it's Nessie who is in danger" he spoke with a little relief.

Bella walked out to make a call probably to talk to Aro so I decided to go with her "Bella wait!" I called out as she stopped and waited. I never liked being in crowded settings even before when I was human. "Is it ok if I just stand with you? I just hate being crowded" I chuckled "Yeah it's no problem to me I know what you mean the castle is always crowded so whenever I get a mission I always get excited." She said as she dialed a number. "Hey Damien where's Garrett?" She asked I decided to listen in.

UK N: Garrett is kinda busy right now whose calling?

Bella: it's Bella it's regarding his niece ness it's kinda important.


G: hey bells what's up?

B: we got a situation and it involves ness can you help?

G: I'll be there tomorrow forks?

B: yes

End of call

She put her phone back in her pocket and stood over the railing. "You know rose, I never understood why you were so against me being turned but now I know why" she continued I stared at her while listening.
"If I had been turned I wouldn't have had Renesmee." She looked down with a smile I decided to answer her back "I have always wanted a child of my own but because my ex had this persona that he had to keep up he didn't want to have any. I decided I was going to leave him the night I was turned I was on my way to his house actually. When I got to the last corner of his Street that's when this mysterious guy changed me. I killed him after I woke up. I still feel bad but it was long time ago nothing can change the past." I felt a huge weight been lifted since I told Bella my story.

I looked to the cloudy sky thinking of a way to help Bella keep Renesmee safe. You could tell she was conflicted with guilt and fear. "Bella is something bothering you?" I asked her. She took a deep unneeded breath "I don't know how I'm gonna keep Renesmee safe if everyone is always after her. This isn't the first time we had this type of situation.when she was 4 years old she was kidnapped by the Romanians and used as ransom to either hand over the kingdom of vampires or her life." She looked down "we had to save her even if we lost our lives in the process but luckily they were unprepared for a fight and lost." You could see unshed tears well up in her eyes "That day I promised to become stronger to protect her from everything I can. Shortly after that the western covens banded together and tried to end her life for even existing. I was never so scared of anything until that day...."

*flashback from Bella's POV*

"ARO! BEHIND YOU!" I yelled towards the king as we were fighting"MARCUS!" I ran to his aid as he was fighting two newborns. I grabbed the blonde headed one who seemed to be no older then the twins who were frozen at seventeen. "who turned you!?"I screeched at the newborn as he looked me in the eye and said "The Romanians will be avenged" I had grabbed his head and ripped it off with all the might I had. I grabbed another and did the same thing until the very last one when Aro spoke up "Enough Bella, we need at least one to tell us where ness is she needs us and if you kill him it will be hopeless" he had a point so I dropped him and Aro had signaled to Alec to use his gift on him so we could get answers. "Bella I need you to shield me so I don't get affected by his gift" Aro told me. I steadied my thoughts and carefully but effectively stretched my mental shield to protect Aro. He walked into the smoke of Alec we all then stood anxiously as every second passed by until two human minutes. Aro had come walking out of the smoke and said "I know where she is she's in England with a group of rouges" as he had panic slightly in his voice. I didn't wait I took off towards the castle to pack I dashed around my room grabbing essentials and my black card that they had given me. By the time I had finished everyone was already waiting in their best fighting clothes. "Let's go get her" I said with venom filled words. As we walked out the doors into the public eye we all put our hoods up to hide our skin from the sunlight and continued to the airport without stopping. I was so scared for the life of my daughter my only child the last piece of the family I had dearly loved so many years ago. I don't know what I would do without my daughter, it's bad enough I'm going crazy trying to find her. As I was lost in my thoughts Caius had sat beside me and rested a hand on mine "it's ok bella we will get her back" he assured me I give him a weak smile and nodded "I'm just scared I don't want anything to happen to her" I said honestly. "Yes the life of being a parent, I had always wondered what it would be like until you came to us while pregnant. Helping you raise that little girl was such an amazing experience for the three of us. We would have never cared if she lived or died back then until the moment we had laid eyes on her. She's pretty much a volturi since her birth she will always be our niece no matter where you go or who you find out home will always be your home" he has stated. We had talked about our favorite memories with Reneesme until we heard the ding for seatbelts which we all ignored since we were immortal. Once the plane landed we waited until Aro signaled which direction. "Bella since you and demitri track better then any of us you need to get in my head to see the visions" he stated I nodded and looked through his memories until one stood out. It was a cabin deep in the woods where almost all the trees were covered in moss. Seemed to be abandoned at one point. I looked a little further and noticed it was north east of our direction maybe 1 hour our speed but 3-4 hours in human speed. I signaled north east and we all ran. "Don't worry ness we're on our way to get you" I whispered to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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