English Country Garden

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Dorothy: How many kinds of sweet flowers grow

In an English country garden?

I'll tell you now of some I know

And those I'll miss you'll surely pardon

Daffodils, heart's ease and flox

Meadowsweet and lilly stalks

Gentain, lupine and tall hollihocks

Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, forget-me-nots

In an English country garden.

Captain Feathersword: How many insects come here and go

In an English country garden?

I'll tell you now of some I know

Those I miss you'll surely pardon

Dragonflies, moths and bees

Spiders climbing from the trees

Butterflies flit in the gentle breeze

There are snakes, ants that sting 

And other creepy things

In an English country garden.

Ho-ho, insects! Arggh!

Dorothy: How many kinds of sweet flowers grow

In an English country garden?

I'll tell you now of some I know

Those I miss you'll surely pardon

Daffodils, hearts ease and flox

Meadowsweet and lily stocks

Gentian, lupine and tall hollyhocks

Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, forget-me-nots

In an English country garden.

Robin, don't forget the Robin.

Robin, don't forget the Robin.

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