Chapter 1

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.-=*Akira's P.O.V*=-.

       I know somebody is watching me. I feel their presence. I whipped around and saw two glowing red eyes, then all I saw was black. They bagged me. screaming out I kicked at whatever I could, but it was useless. A needly item probbed at my leg and i felt blood being drawn. "Help..." I cried weakly, "Ben...Help..." 

                                                        Then I shot Awake....

        I was acctually in my bed, surprisingly. I was in my bed with a tear stained face, in my dorm. I quickly pulled the covers off of me and stood on my concrete floor. Yes, my dorm was in the basement. All the mistakes were. I shared a dorm with Shay, Jetlyn, Amaya, and Caroline. Shay is a Witch with the power of a Werewolf; she's considered a mistake. Jetlyn is like me, however she is not a vampire, but a demon angelinca, so she isn't exactly the SNA's science product. Amaya is a pure blood Werewolf, nothings wrong with her, although she is thought to be able to sprout fairy wings and grant wishes. Her mother was a fairy and everyone just asumed. Lastly Caroline just so happens to be a hybrid of a werewolf and a vampire, both of the big twos'. But they were not the Associations Lab Rats; I was. Me, Akira Kitsune, One of five female vampires who is also an angelican. Me, the only one known in my continent to have Ab-- blood, a blood that shouldn't even exist.

        It's a living hell of a nightmare.

        "Akira Kitsune, Report to lab three, Lady Akitsune," blasted the speakers. Lady? Oh right, I'm a princess. Did I not tell you that? Oh, well I am. I am Vampire Royalty. Maybe thats another reason why the Committe is so intrested in me. Hmm.

        "This is a Repeat, Akira Kitsune, To lab three AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" the speakers bellowed again.

        "gees, I'm coming," I scoffed more to myself as I steped into the hallway. I walked towards the stairs, since mistakes wern't aloud to take the elevator. 

        "AKIRA KITSUNE LAB THREE NOW!!" The speaker attendant yelled through the mic.

        "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!" I screamed towards a microphine just beside the speaker. I hated the fact that they expected me to climb seven flights of stairs in thirty seconds. They need a taste of their own medicine, both literal and mental.  I walked as slow as possible just to aggrivate them. When I acctually Did get to floor six, noted I climbed seven since I bunk in the basement, I walked to lab three and bruttally knocked on teh door, "Accidentally" busting a hole in it. 

        A young girl opened the door yawning, and I gasped. This little girl, her name is Piper, had needle marks all over her arms neck and legs. For heavens sake, the girl is only six!  "Hai -yawn- Akira..." She said drowsily.

        "Piper, how long have you been in there?" I asked worriedly and kneeled down to the childs level looking at her ingection locations. 

        "Three days, until I stopped counting..." She said softly, "No sleep......."

        I felt anger build up inside of me as I picked the young child up and burst into the room. "THIS IS A CHILD FOR HEAVENS SAKE YOU PEOPLE ARE HEARTLESS!!!! HEARTLESS!!" I bellowed to no one in particular, but I wasn't noticed.

        "Ah, Miss. Kitsune, Welcome. Would you very kindly put experiment 1156 back in her cell room?" He said not even looking up.

        "Hell. No." I spat and felt my kniven wings unfold. Huge wings made up of hundreds of thousands of knives that were sharpened to kill protruded from my back and a razor sharp bladed halo appeared slightly slanted on my head. Duel swords, one on each side of my hip, faded into the scene and I was quick to weild them in my grip. My eyes were a crimson silver color that almosed seemed to stare into your soul. "Let her go you sick son of a bitch, she is only six."

        "Hmmm intresting," He said finally looking up only to look back down and jot some things on a notepad.

        "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME ADAM??!!" I shrieked at him in a quite harsh tone.

        "Don't call me Adam experiment 2. I  prefer my lab name. I am no longer an experiment and I will no longer let you call me Adam. I am Sir and Master. So shut up." he said Still not looking at them.


        "No, I don't think I will, Adam," I said using "Adam" as if it were a weapon.

        The guy named Adam seemed to almost cringe in disgust as seeing a mistake calling him by his real name. He teleported, yes Teleported, behind me and put some nice smelling sock to my nose and mouth and I passed out with a smile. Knockout gas.


.-=*Piper's P.O.V*=-.  

        I watched Akira fall with a thud. I widened my eyes and backed up against a wall, "MONSTER!!" I cried and pushed myself further into the wall, as far as I could.

"Now now, number 1156, no body has to get hurt. Just step back into your test tube and everything will get better," He mockingly soothed me.

"Never," I spat, harshly for a kid but is probbably looked upon as cute.

"Fine, if it must be that way, you are no longer needed." Adam said coldly and held a gun to my temple, "Night night, sleep tight, be sure to let the bed bugs bite"                                                                         



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