Chapter 13 ♡What the fu-♡

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"So my collar is gone, huh?"

 It was the end of the day, Gon walking out of the gym, sweaty and panting. Thankfully, throughout the entirety of P.E, his cock returned to its natural, flaccid state, no longer making Gon worry. Killua had been outside of the gymnasium doors, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and arms crossed, waiting for the Omega to exit, biting his lip as his thoughts ran wild. All he could do was think of the possibilities. Being in Gon's bed, the lights off, and so much moaning. He could imagine Gon's moans syncing in time with his thrusts as he fucked into him, his ass dripping with so much slick. While he knew it wasn't going to go that far, a guy can dream.

Killua opened his eyes, looking at Gon with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah. We kinda already established that." His sarcasm made Gon huff in annoyance, but no further words were said, Killua picking up his backpack that he set on the floor and tossing it over his shoulder. He jerked his head toward the door, a non-verbal demand for Gon to follow him to the exit. Killua would do his best to be on good behavior...but no promises.

Gon hugged himself, preparing for the cold to touch his skin, his mind not mentally prepared enough to endure such a thing, but Killua stopped, making Gon stop, as he turned around and stared at the Omega. "I need your address." He said, crossing his arms again, patiently, but impatiently waiting for Gon to spill the beans. Gon furrowed his brow. Why his address?

"Can't you just follow me home?" Gon suggested, his shoulders shrugging. An address was a bit much, even if they had an instant bond. He wasn't sure why Killua would need to have a specific address written in print for him to follow. Besides, Mito probably wouldn't be too happy if she found out he gave his address out on a whim. Shoot, he wouldn't be happy either. But, if they're going to his house anyway, would it be fine? Since he would just look and know where he inviting Killua over really a good idea? Gon was very much overthinking. 

Killua nodded slowly, tilting his head to the side, along with his signature lip bite. "Gon, do you even know where you're going?" Killua vaguely remembers Gon talking during fifth hour. Something about him moving from some remote ass island to the city for...reasons Killua didn't bother to remember. While the Alpha was trying to be a good student and look over his worksheet that the teacher gave to him, Gon would not stop talking! The motherfucker was like a damn engine that wouldn't turn the fuck off. It was infuriating! So, in the end, Killua just gave up, choosing to finish his Street-Law assignment later and turn it in the next day. 

Gon, though, almost forgot he moved to a whole different city entirely, only remembering he had a safe, warm home to get to and a promising friend that he invited over. He knew his new house existed, he just didnt know where. He sighed at that harsh realization and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. "I'm just gonna call Tía." He smiled nervously at an annoyed Killua, the Alpha going back to the wall and leaning his back on it, waiting for Gon to finish his call. Why was he so moody, Gon wondered. 

Gon dialed the number and held his phone up to his ear, Mito answering the call on the first ring. "Gon!" She yelled in his ear, making him pull the phone away just a little, squeezing his eyes shut. "I completely forgot! I'm on my way!" Before Gon could speak, he heard Mito crash into something. His eyes shot open. What the heck was she doing?

Gon turned his head to look at Killua who was looking at Gon, an odd look on his face as he witnessed what was happening on the phone. So Killua didn't know what was happening either? Cool. 

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