Chapter 2 : Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary

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A/N : I DO NOT OWN DURARARA OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTER! I also don't own Twilight ^^

First of all; 2nd chappy! Yay~ :3

Secondly; I don't drink AT ALL

But my friends and family does, so I think I get most of the references right.. Maybe

Anyway, enjoy! :D

We sat down on the seats in front of the bar counter before the bartender come to greet us. "Welcome! Welcome! Drink beer!" The buff man said in a Russian accent, clearly isn't a japanese guy..

"Light beer please. And add his charges to my bill" I said. To be honest, i'm not the best drinker ever. When I was young I don't really party as often as most early 20's people was, mostly because I didn't have the money to.. sight Student loans is expensive man.. Anyway, the reason I was the only one who was sober that night is because I've only been drinking a glass or two of light beers. If I drink more than that, I'll be having a really BAD hangover tomorrow.

"And you?" "Bloody Mary.." The raven said. That's.. Unusual. The bartender nods and go grabbed our stuff. Soon, he came back with a glass of beer and Bloody Mary. "Love, enjoy! Drink beer!" I smiled at him. He kinda reminds me of Erica and Walker for some reasons..

But then my gaze came back to the drink that the raven ordered. "You're having that?" Izaya just nods. "I thought Bloody Mary is the drink you have when you're hangover" Or at least that's what I heard (That may or may not come from the internet.. So yeah). He looked at me for a while with a blank expression and then suddenly giggled. "Oh, Shizuo.. You're so innocence.." Hey! It's not my fault for having a body that's weak towards alcohol!

"I.. Just like it.." He said. "I mean it's such a beautiful drink!" Huh? Suddenly, a creepy grin appeared on his face.. Wai.. What?

"Its crimson color that can tell so many stories about things.. A color that represents a life of a human. It pierce trough the darkness beyond the moonlight with no lies to tell. To think that such beauty can be put into a small glass of liquor.. It's wonderful! So truly wonderful!!"

My spines shivers from his statement, his one creepy statement. If I haven't realized It before, I do now.. He's..

A philosopher.

"Wow, you really know how to make unussual impressions, huh?" "Really? Thanks Shizuo!" He said, smiling. "Crimson is my favorite color after all" I smiled at his statement. This is a total Jackpot..


We chat about ourself for a while when we accidently overheard the group of girls besides us;

"..Yeah it's crazy"

"I know right! To think such a murderer is hanging around here.."

Murderer? Is it the one that the old fart was talking about?

"They call her Kanra right?"

"Woah! Wait a minute.. It's a girl?!"

"Well, no one has actually see 'her' but some witness claimed that the murderer have a feminine figure so.."

"That's kinda sexist.."

"That's because you're so boyish, Riku!"

"Can we stop talking about this? Anyway.. I heard Twilight is getting a remake..

Yeah, no thanks. No interest in that.. But.. Does that means what he said was true? I thought it was just some shitty pickup lines.. Speaking about pickup lines..

"What do you think about that?" Izaya seem like he lost his senses for a while before he answered me. "Huh? Oh.. Honestly, I don't think it's that bad.. Maybe she have a reason to do it.. Y'know.." That's a different way of thinking.. A bit weird, but all philosepher are like that, right? "I know, but I mea--" "Nee.. Shizuo.. I'm bored.. How about if we.. 'Goes to my house'?"

"PFFFTTTT!!!!1!!!" Shit! I spit my drink. My mind goes blank for a while as I stared at him. But his seductive eyes.. And his sexy lips.. Oh well, bye bye senses..


So.. Long story short. We're at his home right now. I know, I know.. I lost my mind.

I can't believe I'm in a house of someone I just met an hour ago and leave my drunk ass friends back. There goes the saying 'bros before hoes'...

"Hey, Shizuo.. Can you wait? I'll be right back.." Izaya said leaving me in the living room. His apartment, well, more like his condo, was VERY nice. There's surely much more spaces than what I have in my apartment. Plus, it's a two floor condo. Geez, what were you doing in that bar? If you are THIS rich, you should be able to grow your own stuff..

*Ring! Ring!*

I felt something buzzing inside my pocket. Ah right! My phone.. "Hey Shizuo! Where are you?" It was Walker. "Uhh.. I.. Went for a bit of fresh air" I can't possibly tell him the truth! I mean, everyone knows that I'm bi but still.. I got up from the couch and walk around for a while with the call still connected to him. "Well, you better get your ass back here! I'm the most sober person around and this people have no idea when to stop drinking!" "Oh c'mon Walker.. I'm sure you can handle them" I tried to convince him to leave me alone but it just made his tone became more upset per seconds (if that even possible). "Handle them? Handle them?!! Vorona and Erica is one thing, but Kyohei? He just fucking strip off his boxer for God sake! Godamit, that dick was disturbing.."

I sighed. I know I shouldn't have done this. What was I'm thinking? This is so--


A sound so loud came. It wasn't clear enough to have came from this room but it surely not from outside. "What was that?" So it was not my imagination.. Walker hear it too.. "Uh.. Hey, I'll call you back later" "Wait, what?! Shizuo, don't you dare hang up the ph--" I hanged up. Sorry Walker, you're a great friend but, as they say, 'curiosity kills the cat'

I walked towards the directions of the sound, as it keeps banging, when I finally come face to face with a closed door. God, this is just like a horror movie or something.


The sound repeated itself again. I'm not sure this is a good idea.. Yet despite that, I gathered all of my courage onto my palm. There's no going back after this, right? Well then, fuck.


Geez when will it stop?? Okay.. This is it.. C'mon Shizuo, be a man! I gulped and sighed. 1.. 2.. 3..!! And so, I opened the door. And behind it lay a sight I would have never imagined..

The room was crimson red. Not from paint nor wallpaper, but from blood.

Dead animals and corpses were laying around the floor and tables and rotten smell quickly entered my nose. At the edge of the room, there stand..


He was holding a baseball bat that was covered in crimson liquid with a corpse of a child laying on the table in front of him. His head and brain were scattered all around, having a leg that was cut off and some ribs that were poking out of his chest. And to my horror, I see the guy I thought was the kindest man on earth, smiling with a psychopathic look on his face that was covered in the child's blood.

"Shizuo! I told you to wait, didn't I?" I can't believe he can still talks that casually. My body froze and shivers against my will as he walked closer to me. "Surprise? Well, if the guy I was hitting on turn out to be the murderer everyone was talking about, I'd be surprise too.." Murderer? Wait a minute.. Izaya.. Is Kanra??

"Hmm? What's wrong?" No.. This is not true.. "You don't have to be that scared, y'know.." H-how could it be?? "Since.. I told you right?"

"Crimson is my favorite color, Shizu-chan~"

A/N : I know my works aren't the best but I'm sure I'll get better!

So any critics are accepted, I'm not a butthurt person anyway ^^

*Kissey* :3

Not the chocolate.. Itz expensive 

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